Magical Creatures?

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Vote and give me feedback please. It would be greatly appreciative...😊×××××××××××××××××××××
Tethered onto the railing was a large horse with wings, that I recognized as a Pegasus. It was black as the night, and it made me want to run up to it, and give it a big hug.

"She's a beauty she is. This here's Black Beauty." Hagrid said softly.

The only things I managed to get out of my mouth were, "Beautiful... Best... Surprise... Ever!"

I really just spluttered out random syllables after that. I held my hand out for the horse to sniff, and it nuzzled its nose around my hand, much like a cat when you're petting its head.

"Yeh can ride 'er if yeh want." Hagrid untied the rope.

"I'd... I'd love to."

He lifted me up, and set me on the Pegasus. Although there wasn't a saddle, it felt natural... Almost like I belonged on Black Beauty.

I leaned toward the Pegasus' head, and whispered fondly, "Let's Fly..."

The horse moved it's head up and down like most do, and spread its wings. I had no idea of these things existing, but it made plenty of sense.

I wrapped my arms around its neck, and Black Beauty ran like the wind. Trees blurred by, and we started gaining height.

Each beat of her wings, we rose higher, and higher, and higher.

The trees eventually looked like little dots, and Hogwarts looked way closer to where the forest was, than when you are on the ground.

We glided around for along time. The gentle breeze felt good against my face. It wasn't like when you open up a car window, and stick your head out, to where the wind is biting your face... And yes, I have done that before. Got beat up by Cliff because of it, but it happened in the past, and the past is in the past.

I probably would've been scared to be at this height on any other creature, but Black Beauty just gave off the trusting vibe. I felt as one with her. I could feel my heartbeat matching hers, as I lay across her neck.

I'd say I rode her for about an hour until I thought about coming down... Thinking someone would probably be worried... 'Cause, you know, people actually kinda care about me now. This whole caring thing is such a drag... Well, it's nice to care for others, but when it comes to me...

It's just, a new adjustment I will have to become accustomed to, but what will happen after school? I mean, Harry is my brother, and all, but will we really keep in touch?

He's been so distant... Well, it's more like I've been distant.

I whispered in the horse's ear, "Come on girl, we should go down."

She replied back, "Sure... Do you have any sugar cubes Elle?"

Wait, how could this horse communicate with me? Well, I do feel comfortable.

"A sugar cube? I'm sorry girl, but I don't have any... Maybe I can ask Hagrid, he probably has some."

"Hagrid is such a sweetie, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is..."

We were closing in towards the spot where Hagrid, Sadie, and Hermione sat. I heard Hagrid say, "There she is! I told yeh she would be alrigh'"

I rolled my eyes, because it looked like Hagrid had been worried the worst.

We landed, and I asked Hagrid, "Do you have any sugar cubes? Black Beauty here seems to have a craving for them."

"Oh, yeah." He dug through his ginormous pockets that I could probably fit my head into, and pulled out a handful of cubes. He handed two to me, one to Hermione and Sadie, and he held a couple himself.

"Now, when yeh feed her... Hey!"

I tossed a cube, and Black Beauty caught it. She whinnied in happiness, and said, "This is really good... You should really try it sometime Elle, but not mine..."

"Well, I'm glad you like it." I replied back, "And I think I will try a sugar cube..."

I turned towards Hagrid as I tossed the other sugar cube behind me. Hearing a crunching noise, I knew the horse caught it. Hagrid was beaming like the sunshine.

"Hagrid, may I have another sugar cube."

His face fell just slightly. "I'm sorry Elle, but Beauty here... Can't have too much of that sugar... Yeh know, too much of eh good thing might eh turn it into a bad thing."

"It's not for Black here, it's for me silly."

"Oh, well, here..." He handed me a sugar cube. I held it out to the beam of sun that shone through the trees, and the pure white cube sparkled as though it was millions of tiny diamonds.

"Come on, eat it!" The horse tempted me. There's probably a reason I'm not allowed to have straight up sugar.

I saw Hagrid give some more sugar cubes to Hermione and Sadie, and they ate it. Then, they gave the other sugar cube to Beauty.

I tossed the cube into my mouth, and I started having a horrible headache. I felt like throwing up everywhere, and my vision became black. I felt myself loose balance as I fell over. Breathing suddenly was hard. I had to fight for each breath, while my chest was in horrible pain. It didn't help that I couldn't move, at all. All I could think about was, "Breathe in, one two three. Breathe out, one two three."

I was fighting for consciousness, but was it really worth fighting for? As soon as I thought that, I forgot how to breathe, think, and feel. My mind slipping off into a different land, where there were no headaches, and you could breathe freely.


So, feedback? Maybe... Please? I sound desperate... Okay, so childhood story time...

When I was younger, my mom always loved me trying new things. One day, she brought home sugar cubes. I asked her, naturally as a young child would, "What's that momma?"

She replied, "These are sugar cubes... They are quite delicious, here, try one."

I took it, and after I saw my mother eat one, I popped it into my mouth. It was delicious. Amazing even. To be honest, I'm craving one right now, and I haven't had one in years.

I believe there is a reason why I haven't tasted one in years... Although I wasn't allergic to them, I'd always eat them. Always asking my mother for them. Maybe I'll ask her later to get a box...

Anyways, not only was I sneaking sugar cubes, so were my two siblings.

Okay, so this is how I was thinking about the goodness of sugar cubes. All because I am craving them...

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Yours truly,
R.L. Smith
Or should it be
L.L. Smith?
Lauren? (Ren12319)


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