Plot Twist and More?

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It had been a week since the Halloween feast- November 7th. Elle had been released from the hospital wing six days ago, and this week was something special.

Everyday since the feast: Sadie, Hermione, Ron, and Harry would meet up at every possible moment. Hermione spent even more time with the two boys as Sadie had since she was, in fact, in a different house.

When Elle was hospitalized, all of them had visited her-- even Ron. Of course, Elle had been asleep at that point. Sadie never shared with the rest of the group what had happened when she walked in on Elle.

As Elle was released, she had kept to herself. Hermione had thought that maybe it was just because of what had caused Elle to be hospitalized in the first place. Before Elle was hospitalized, Hermione had been upset that she never came to the bathroom, but she also knew that Elle seemed rather despondent that night.

Well, maybe Elle just didn't want to talk about it. She tried talking to her, but Elle spoke in short sentences-- as if they were strangers.

Hermione started to get the feeling of growing apart from her-- in just that week. Well, perhaps even before that, if she thought about it hard enough. She had given up a couple days ago trying to get Elle to really talk. Hermione even tried talking to Harry about it, but he-- to her disbelief, seemed rather nonchalant about the topic. She was told to let it go and that Elle would get over it. So... She was trying to give Elle some space-- but it wasn't like she had seen her at all lately.

Elle was never in her dorm or with Sadie in her dorms. Hermione even thought of talking to McGonagall about it, but she was going to give her a few more days. And besides, Elle was missing so much. Hermione hated to admit it, but life was continuing without Elle.

It was incredibly hard to try not to get Elle involved-- and it definitely kept Hermione awake on this night.

What if Elle got herself into some trouble with Filch? He always seemed to want to inflict pain in a Chinese torture sort of way to those who weren't where they were supposed to be- or so she heard. Or what if she had been shoved into a classroom by Malfoy and hidden away where no one would find her? What about that forbidden corridor on level three? Did Elle venture in there? She couldn't have. Elle knows the rules.

But Elle wasn't Hermione, and she definitely didn't seem too much of a stickler for the rules unlike Hermione.

Hermione sighed, leaning against her hand. Here she was, spending another sleepless night doing some extra studying. Technically, she was supposed to be in her dorm-- but she was in the commons room in a comfy chair facing the fire. Harry and Ron were sitting in there as well getting 'help' on the essays that they had put off for a week.

Ron yawned, his arms stretching back behind him. In his lap sat his quill and homework with only the word 'the' and his name written on it. "'Mione, please just let me take a peek." Ron spoke halfheartedly.

  Hermione responded, "I already told you, Ronald, that you have the textbook next to you. You're never going to learn if you keep asking for my homework. All of the answers are in there if you-"

"Just read. I know, I know. But you know I don't like reading." Ron responded, picking up the cover of his potions textbook only to let it fall back onto the text though the rush of air it created caused his hair to move slightly.

"Learn to like it, then. Exams are coming up in 6 months and you don't want to get behind. Besides, being stuck as a first year sounds quite terrible." Hermione spoke as she leafed through her essay, looking for any errors in her nearly perfect work while Ron was mocking her.

Harry looked at his average work, pushing up his glasses. He definitely needed Hermione to proofread his essay. Professor Snape was taking every swipe at him as he could. Hermione didn't seem as helpful as she would have at the beginning of the year. He hoped it was just a temporary thing. "You know, I think Hermione might be right on this one. Imagine being held back in our year."

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