The mysterious boy

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"Wake up you miserable little brat!" My mother Rose shouted at me. Yup that's the delightful greeting I get every morning from my darling mother. Note the sarcasm. We don't have a very good mother daughter relationship, heck we don't have any kind of good relationship. She treats me like a slave and I treat her, well disrespectfully.

"I said wake up!" She shouted banging on my door. I live in the attic. Now before you say 'oh that's not bad' let me explain. The attic has enough room for a bed. A bed and the trapdoor that leads up to it. Not to mention the spiders that live in here with me. Now your probably thinking 'wow she must not be afraid of spiders' well let me tell you something, your right. I am not afraid of spiders, I'm terrified of them.

"Get up and cook breakfast!" She screamed pounding on my door again.

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I got out the bacon and eggs and started frying them.

I can't wait until I'm out of here. Even if they are sending me to military school anywhere is better then here. I wish Rose and Cliff weren't my parents. I mean I look nothing like Patrice, their other daughter a.k.a my sister.

"Pay attention you worthless piece of crap!" She screamed. I looked down and saw that I was burning the food.

"Shoot." I muttered under my breath. I'm just glad that Cliff isn't home. If he was I would get beaten. I know what your thinking 'why do you call your dad by his name but you call your mum mother?' Well don't worry cause I usually call then Rose and Cliff. No to their faces of course or else I'd get beaten.

Oh no I'm lost in thought again. Goodness Elizabeth focus!

I finally finished and hoped Patrice wouldn't complain because if she did Cliff would beat me as soon as he got back from his business trip. Personally I think she complains on purpose.

"Go do your chores!" Rose yelled. Yup no breakfast. Figures as much.

"Mum when's dad coming home?" Patrice asked.

"In an hour then we can go to the waterpark." Rose answered. Oh shoot it's Patrice's birthday. That means I'll have to go to Rose's sisters house so that they can send me to their neighbors house. Now I don't have a problem with this except that their neighbor, Mrs. Figg, is your classic crazy old cat lady. Her house smells quite funny and all she does is show me pictures of her cats. It's quite boring really, but I guess it's better then being beaten and cleaning.

"Yay!" She exclaimed. I swear she acts like she's four when really she's a year older then me.

I continued cleaning until Cliff came home. Then we all got into the car and drove to Aunt Petunia's house. I only call her Aunt Petunia because I haven't lost all disrespect for her.

When we got there I was shoved out of the car and left at the end of the drive. I walked up to the door and knocked. The door was opened and I was met by a boy who looked my age in clothes that were way to big for him. He looked unnaturally skinny and his skin was gaunt. He was wearing glasses but they were broken. I noticed he had an odd scar on his forehead, I had a similar one, yet it was on my neck- and he was staring at it.

"Your scar." He said meekly... Timidly, it seemed.

"What about it? I've had it as long as I can remember. It's ugly- I don't understand why it won't go away." I spoke, giving him a bit of a smile. It was different that the first words out of this boy's mouth didn't involve an insult. At my small smile, his shoulders seemed to relax the slightest bit. He had quite a stiff posture.

The boy reached up to his head, feeling the similar scar on his head before pushing up his glasses. "You know, I don't think we've met. We don't get too many visitors."

"Well today is your lucky day! I'm Elizabeth Walters, but may I ask who you are?" The boy's face slowly looked at me in a bit of confusion.

"Harry Potter. So you're Aunt Rose's daughter?" He asked, stepping outside and shutting the door as I stepped back to give him some room.

"I do have the same last name as her." I responded with a slight nod, crossing my arms. "And you, I guess, are Aunt Lily's son?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. I hadn't heard much on Aunt Lily aside from the fact that she had died in a car accident. Maybe she was better than her two siblings.

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath in. "You're more different than I thought you would be."

"Who is at the ruddy door?!" A grovelly voice yelled through the door, interrupting our conversation. Harry's face seemed to grow slightly pale as the door opened to reveal Uncle Vernon- a chubby man with a thick mustache. He was purple as he walked out, giving me a slightly disgusted look. Yet the look was less disgusted with me than it was with Harry, I observed. 

"Hello Uncle." I said in greeting as his face seemed to get slightly less purple at the respect.

Then, he said in a hushed yet slightly angry tone, "Now hurry on and get inside before the neighbors spot you." I did as I was told as he grabbed onto Harry's arm, bringing him inside as well. "Now listen here: Mrs. Figg is sick so you are staying here. You are not to touch anything do you understand me?!" He asked rhetorically when he looked to Harry. "And you- if you touch anything, you are grounded."

"Yes Sir." We said quietly before Uncle Vernon exited for who knows what.

Harry and I stood there in the entry way for a few minutes before Harry pulled on a pair of overgrown shoes. "I'm leaving, wanna come?" He asked in a hushed tone. I just nodded and followed him. We walked to a park and sat on the swings.

Edited to here ish

"So how come I've never seen you?" I asked after a while.

"They like to keep me locked up when we have visitors." He explained.

"At least you have a room to be locked in, all I have is a bed in the tiny attic."

"I don't have a room all I have is the cupboard under the stairs."

"Oh that's horrible too."

"Yeah well I'm sure Aunt Rose and Uncle Cliff are better than Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon."

"Hah yeah right I get beaten on a daily basis and all I do is clean the house everyday. If the house isn't spotless I get beaten."

"Oh wow I'm sorry."

"Don't be it's not your fault." I said. After that we just sat in silence.

"Who are your parents?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well you called Petunia and Vernon your aunt and uncle so I wondered who your parents are." I explained.

"Oh their names were Lilly and James Potter. They died in a car crash when I was a baby, that's how I got my scar." He said.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I said.

"Oh crap it's 4:55. You've gotta be back home!" He said jumping up. We ran back to the house and got there just as Rose and Cliff pulled up. Harry said bye and ran inside quickly.

"Get in now." Cliff growled. I climbed in and we drove home.

"Go to your room and down come down until it's time for school." He said and locked my door.

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