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After I took a quick change, I went back down into the common room, smirking at Sadie, because of what happened a few minutes ago.

"So, what is sooo important that you had to wake me up with pouring water all over me?" I asked the two.

"It's a surprise." Sadie replied sweetly.

I rolled my eyes at her, and said, "I don't like your kind of 'surprises,' especially after the one you pulled this morning."

"Hey, you got me back, and anyways, this isn't that kind of surprise."

"Oh, really?"

"Yup." Hermione replied innocently.

"Whatever, lead me to the surprise then."

Sadie and Hermione both grabbed my arms, and started pulling me out of the Portrait Hole. I might've fell, on the ground, but other than that, no one got hurt.

But someone's going to get hurt. Hermione, the one who accidentally tripped me while she was dragging me.

Ugh! What am I going to do with these two, I mean, really?

They led me outside, and Hermione was talking like,

"So, I was thinking about..." And yada yada yada, which I usually tune out when she starts off with her thinking. I know, I'm such a perfect friend, right, but, the first explanation she had, I didn't understand anything she was saying. Plus, usually, whatever she's talking about is normally completely off topic, smart, but random.

"You got that Elle?" Sadie asked with a malicious, but playful smile on her face.

"Um, Yeah!" I replied.

"Okay then, let's go."

I thought 'go where'? But with me playing the, 'I listened, but not really card,' I couldn't really ask that question, so, yeah.

I followed them towards Hagrid's hut, and Hermione knocked on the door three times.

Hagrid answered the door, and said, "Oh, it's yeh three, well, come on in!"

"Good morning Hagrid." I said to Hagrid, obviously.

"Mornin' Elle! So, what brings yeh three here on a fine Saturday mornin'?"

"Well, Hagrid, remember that one thing that Sadie and I came to talk to you about, and you said it was okay?" Hermione asked, obviously hiding something from me.

"Oh yeah, eh, yeah, follow me!"

We walked back out of his hut, and towards the forbidden forest.

"I thought we weren't supposed to go in there, isn't it supposed to be, um, dangerous?" I asked.

"Well, when yer with me, yeh'll be alrigh'." Hagrid replied.

"Well, okay."

We ventured further into the forest. The trees became thicker as we travelled through them, so naturally, it became darker, even in broad daylight.

We all pulled out our wands, and lit them up with a simple light spell so the path ahead was lit by a little. Dead leaves were strewn all over the dirt path, along with some broken twigs. You could see hoof prints on the ground that looked newly made.

I looked ahead, and I saw a patch of light up a little ways ahead of me, coming through the trees. The light lit up something, but I couldn't tell exactly what. It definitely was a living animal, I can tell just by hearing the leaves crunch under it.. Or maybe it was just us.

I started feeling more relaxed while we were walking forward. Whatever it is is giving me a really good vibe, I mean, the intensity of it just got real here.

I looked at Hermione and Sadie's glowing faces... From the light, but also, they did seem to radiate a glowing feeling. Hmm... What are they up to...

Crunch, crunch, crunch. The leaves are super crunchy today. Hmmm... And the forest, it smells heavily of pines and lilacs.

We continued, and we got closer, and closer, and closer.

A rope was tied to a post, and connected to it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, so very beautiful.


CLIFF HANGER!!!! I totally did not like, um, make random crap up, because I didn't know what the plan was going to be.

Anyways, how was it?

Well, thanks for reading!

Ren (Ren12319)

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