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"Anything from the trolly dears?" The trolly lady asked.

"No." Everyone else grumbled sadly.

"YES!" I exclaimed unlike the others.

"Ummm. I'll have uh... Some of these." I said pointing to something called Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. "A few of these." I pointed to a pumpkin pastie, whatever that is. "Ooh lots of these!" I pointed to the chocolate frogs. "Lots of these too." I pointed to something that looked a lot like licorice. "And a couple of those." I pointed to something called Cauldron Cakes.

"Here you go dear." She said handing me the sweets. "That will be one galleon, seven sickles and three knuts."

"Here you go!" I said giving her the coins.

I walked back into the compartment and threw one of each thing at each of the boys.

"Eat up!" I said.

They just stared at me like I was crazy.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

They shook their heads.

"Something in my hair?"

They shook their heads again.

"Why did you buy us candy?" George finally asked.

"Because you guys are my friends! And friends buy each other candy! They do do that right?" I explained.

"Well yeah I guess they do." George said while Fred and Lee snickered.

"What are you laughing about?!" I asked them.

"" Fred said.

"Oh. my. gosh. You guys are soooooooooooo immature." I said rolling my eyes.

"Wait why do you ask?" George asked referring to my question.

Fred and Lee finally stopped laughing only to have Lee say 'do-do' and have them stat laughing again.

"Well I've guys are....I've never really had friends before." I finally said.

Fred and Lee stopped laughing and joined George in looking at me like I had three heads.

"I mean I had Harry, but he was my cousin when I met him."

"Your cousin?!" Fred asked confused.

"Well my aunt and uncle told me...actually they never really told me how I was related, but they led me to believe I was their daughter making Harry my cousin. That what I thought when I met him this summer. Then I practically got kidnapped in the middle of the night and brought to Diagon alley, where I found out he's my brother. Then I met you guys." I explained.

"Oh." Was all they could say.

"Yeah I had a sucky life." I said.

"Had?" Fred asked. "Don't you have to go back?"

"Well yeah but now they can't do anything to me and I have friends to escape to."

"Escape? What do they do lock you in the basement?" George asked.

"Well....yeah kinda only it's the attic which is also my room." I said quietly.

"WHAT?!" They yelled.

Oh boy. They're the protective older brother type.

"You are never going back there. You can come stay at our house over the summer." Fred and George promised.

"It's okay guys. I'll be fine." I said. "I'm gonna go find Harry and Ron." I said walking out.

"Hey guys." I said walking in.

"Ooh are you going to do a spell?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Harry said.

"Ooh are you going to do magic?" Someone said from the door.

I looked and saw a bushy haired girl. She looked really nice.

"Yeah." Harry said.

"Well go on then." She said.

"Sunshine daisies butter mellow turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" Ron said pointing his wand at a rat.

There were some sparks and the rat woke up but nothing else.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" I asked him.

"Fred and George told me so probably not." He admitted.

I laughed. That sounded like something Fred and George would do.

"We're almost there you should change into your robes." The girl said.

"I'll leave so you guys can change." I told Harry and Ron and walked out with the girl.

"I'm Elizabeth Potter but you can call me Elle." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Hermione Granger." She said.

"It's nice to me you too Hermione." I said smiling.

I knew we would be good friends.


Hope you like this chapter!

Double Trouble next!

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