Twin Time

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"I think we should stay here overnight they go shopping in the morning." Harry suggested. We had just finished dinner. We were still at the Leaky Cauldron and were figuring out a plan.

"Muggles can't get in here right?" I asked. I was certain that Rose and Cliff had discovered I was gone.

"Absolutely not. They can't see the entrance." Hagrid explained. I just nodded relieved.

"Tom! We need three rooms!" Hagrid said.

"Aright . Here's the keys. I expect you'll pay before you leave." The bartender said to Hagrid. "Rooms 12, 13, and 14."

We headed up the stairs where Hagrid handed us two keys. Each had a number. 12 and 14.

"Yeh can pick which yeh want." He explained and headed into 13.

"Dibs on 12!" I shouted. Harry laughed and handed me the key.

"Night Elle." Harry said walking into his room. I just stood there.

'Elle?' I thought. I had never had a nickname. Elle. It has a nice ring to it.

'I like it.' I decided and walked into my room. It was a small room. Against the wall opposite the door on the left side was a bed. Directly across from it was a closet. There was a window next to the bed.

I climbed into bed since I was still in pajamas. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.



I was in a dark forest. I looked around and all I could see was trees. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud girly scream. I flipped and started panicking.

"I gotta get outa here!" I said but no sound came out. I frowned.

Then a beautiful white creature came into view. It looked like a horse. I noticed there was a spiral cone coming out of its forehead. Oh my gosh it's a unicorn! It was so beautiful and majestic. It was too amazing. Then what looked like a person came and yelled something. Then a green light shot out of a stick he was holding. The unicorn fell over dead. Then the person stabbed it. I gasped. Blood flowed out. The unicorn was no longer pure white. I wanted to cry. It was too horrible to watch but I couldn't look away. Not like I couldn't tear my eyes away but I physically couldn't look away. I was forced to watch as the person bent down and started to drink the blood.Then someone appeared behind me. It looked like Harry.

Everything began to fade away.


I awoke with a start. I looked to my left and was shocked to see a muggle clock. 4:03.

"Uuurrrggg." I groaned. There was a huge thud from across the hall. Geez Hagrid why so loud? Then someone knocked on my door. Who in their right minds would be knocking on someone's door at 4:05 in the morning?! I got out of bed and slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Who are you and wha-" I stopped as I saw Harry standing there.

"Oh hey Harry. What brings you here at..." I turned and looked at the clock. "...4:06 AM?"

"Hagrid has been doing that all night." Harry said after there was another loud thud from 13.

"Oh has he?" I said not knowing because I had already fallen asleep.

"Yeah and also it's not 4:06 it's 11:30." He told me showing me his watch.

"Oh. My clock must be wrong." I said. He laughed. I smiled.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked. "About mum and dad?"

I shook my head sadly.

"Do you?" I asked.

"No. But sometimes when I'm sleeping I'll see a jet of green light. I don't know if that has to do with them or not." He said. I frowned. A green light. Why did that seem familiar? The dream. The green light that killed the unicorn.

"What's wrong?" He asked seeing the frown on my face.

"I-I think that the g-green light k-killed th-them." I said sobbing.

"Wh-what?" He said.

"I had a dream where I was in a forest and there was a unicorn and a mad said something and a green light shot out of a stuck he was holding and killed the unicorn and then...." I couldn't tell him the rest.

"Oh my gosh." He said. You could tell he was in shock. I shouldn't have told him.

"Let's stop thinking about that. We're together now! It's supposed to be all happy and stuff!" I said after I stopped crying.

"You're right Elle." He said. I smiled at my nickname.

"I know I am Harold." I said. He looked at me funny.

"Harold?" He asked skeptically.

"Yeah. Why is your full name not Harold?" I asked. He started laughing.

"No! Why would you think that?!"

"I don't know! That's stupid your full name should be Harold." I declared.

"You are so weird." He said shaking his head.

"So are you excited for Hogwarts?" He asked after about a minute.

"Excuse you?" I said.


"What on earth is Hogwarts?!"

"The school we're going to."

"School? What school?"

"The wizarding school. Didn't you get your letter?"

"Letter?! I was supposed to get a letter?!" I shrieked. He just nodded. Jus a ce moment (just in time) there was a tap on the window. Sitting on the window ledge was an owl with a letter tied to its leg.

"Hey maybe that's it!" He said letting the owl in. He untied the letter and handed it to me.

"Elizabeth Potter. Room 12, The Leaky Cauldron." I murmered.

I ripped open the envelope and two pieces of parchment fell out. I grabbed one and scanned it. It appeared to be a list of materials. I grabbed the other and read it.

"I'm a witch." I said slowly looking up at Harry, who nodded. "I'M A WITCH!!!" I screamed happily.

Harry laughed as I did a happy dance.

"So where and when are we getting all this stuff?" I asked.

"Um Diagon Alley and today." He said. It took me a minute to realize that we were in Diagon Alley.

"Cool. Oh I wonder what it will be like. I hope we have all the same classes!" I said excitedly.


Okay I know I uploaded late. But I was at the airport and I didn't have wifi so I couldn't upload. It's all good now though.

In other news I just finished reading The Fault In Our Stars. I cried. But seriously I really would recommend this book. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing and wonderful and just read it okay? Okay.

Anywho I will try to upload as much as possible. Double Trouble next!

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<3 forever and always

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