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It's July 31, my birthday. It's been two weeks since I met Harry and I've decided I need to get out of here.

I know your thinking 'why has it taken you so long to decide that?' Well it's cause although I hate it, this is my home. It feels weird leaving. Also I have no way of escape.

You probably wouldn't believe me when I say they haven't given me any food but that's the truth. I however have been in this situation before and I have a stash of food that I've taken from the store cupboard when no one was looking. I have a jar of peanut butter, three small bags of pretzels and some chocolate. I couldn't get anything that spoils cause then I wouldn't have the food then. The chocolate isn't really part of my emergency food stash. I have the chocolate because I have random phases where I will go insane if I don't have sugar. I will basically walk around moaning about needing chocolate, I know it doesn't seem bad but trust me it is.

Anyway back to needing to escape. I packed all my belongings and what I had left of the food into my school bag. And waited until I was sure everyone was asleep. Now for the escape. I have these moments where crazy stuff happens but I don't mean to do it. Like one time I made the vacuum explode. I was hoping that one of those things would happen now and I would be able to escape. Of course it didn't. I laid on my bed. I gave up.

I had been laying down for what seemed like hours when there was a loud crack. I winced if that didn't wake up Cliff then I don't know what will. I didn't have time to dwell on that however because someone spoke.

"Miss Potter?" I looked up to see an older lady in green robes. Her grab hair was tied back in a tight bun and she wore glasses.

"Who's Miss Potter?" I asked her. She seemed shocked.

"Oh Elizabeth just grab my arm I'll explain everything later. I threw my backpack over my shoulders and did what she said. Then she turned on the spot and I felt a horrible sensation. Like my whole body was being squeezed into a tiny tube. I couldn't breathe. Then the feeling subsided and I opened my eyes, which I didn't realize I had closed, and saw we were in a completely different place. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by people dressed just like the lady I was with.

"Miss Po- er Elizabeth please go with that man over there." She pointed to a freakishly tall man. "His name is Hagrid. He will explain everything. I'll see you in a few weeks." She said and with a loud crack she was gone.

I stay cemented to where I was for a moment trying to comprehend what had just happened. After a while I decided that I would as the tall man about it. I walked over to what's his name again? Oh right Hagrid.

"Hello Hagrid!" I yelled not sure if he could hear me or not.

"Oh my goodness. Hello there Elizabeth!" As soon as he said that I started getting weird looks from everyone else. They were all staring at me and another boy with wonder. I looked at the boy and realized it was Harry.

"Harry?" I said astonished.

"Hey Elizabeth." He said happily. "Isn't this great?"

"What is so great we are standing who knows where with a complete stranger and everyone is staring at us! Which brings me to my next question. Why is everyone staring at us?!" I said.

"Uh maybe we should go sit down." Hagrid said. He let us into and old bar called 'The Leaky Cauldron'. We found a table and sat down. Everyone in the bar was staring too.

"Hagrid why is everyone staring?" We asked at the same time.

"Okay well I guess I should explain. I just can't believe your aunts and uncles didn't tell ya." He started.

"Wait what do you mean? Harry's aunt and uncle are the only aunt and uncle I have." I said.

"What you mean they didn't tell you about yer parents!?" He practically shouted.

"Rose and Cliff aren't my parents?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course not your parents were Lilly and James Potter. Rose and Petunia were Lilly's sisters."

"What do you mean were? Like she's dead?" I asked. I wanted to cry, please say no.

"James and Lilly." He said sadly. "You-Know-Who killed them." I was sobbing, I just found out that I had real parents and lost them all in one minute.

"Hagrid, I'm sorry but we don't 'know who'." Harry said.

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Hagrid said.

"Wait who mustn't be named?" I asked after I finally stopped crying.

"I mean" he began in a whisper. "Vol- Vol- ah I can't say it!"

"Why don't you write it down?" Harry suggested handing him a napkin.

Hagrid scribbled something down and handed the napkin to Harry. He looked at it for a minute before saying,

"Voldemort?" Everyone who heard him either gasped or shushed him. "Hagrid who's Voldemort?" Hagrid cringed.

"You-Know-Who was a very powerful wizard. Terrible but powerful. One night he went after you two. He killed your father before going upstairs to kill you. Yer mum tried to stop him but he just killed her. But when he tried to kill you two he died and you got yer scars."

"Wait are you saying that Harry is my brother?" I asked.

"He's yer twin." Hagrid explained.

"Wow." I whispered in shock. I actually have a family, it's not much but it's better than the one I previously had.

"But Hagrid why are people staring?" Harry asked.

"Yeh save the wizarding world! And yeh weren't even a year old!" He exclaimed. "Everyone knows who you are!"

"That's kinda scary." I said.

"Yeah really."


Hey guys I hope you like this story so far! I will try to update as much as I can, I promise.


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