The Feast

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Elizabeth sat at the Gryffindor table without any friends near. She had no idea where Hermione went, like seriously, wasn't she the one who was bringing her here?

A sigh escaped the young girl's lips as she looked at all the spooky decorations. Skeletons were hung, doing little dances; the ghosts were going through the tables, though most of them were missing; the night sky sparkled evermore with its twinkling candles.

Elizabeth's food went to her plate as she bit her lip. Was she hungry? Definitely not. How could she stomach something with everything that's been going on. First her hyper- whatever it's called, which she did more research on it and it was dealt with diabetes. Second, Hermione was gone still! Like, where was she?

Elizabeth looked around once more for her original best friend, Hermione. (Yes, she's that salty. (Kids... *Rolls eyes*)). Her eyes went to the doors. Maybe Hermione needed to go to the bathroom or something, though it wasn't like her to say that she wasn't going. Then again, when Hermione left, Elizabeth was spaced out. Elizabeth tapped the table a bit whenever she felt some air rush pass her. The young girl looked up and watched as her brother set a hand on her shoulder. "Hey Elle." He spoke, giving her a light smile. It seemed he had noticed her mood.

Then came along the Ron, right as she was about to respond, who sat next to her brother. She quickly closed her mouth, looking away from Harry.

"What is bloody wrong with her?" Ron asked as he began shoveling food onto his place. "Girls, always so dramatic." He spoke, proceeding to stuff food into those rude lips of his. Elle felt her cheeks heat up slightly as she pushed forward her plate.

Harry frowned, "Elle, you know he didn't mean it. Ron just... Talks." He said, trying to console her of fear of her blowing up. At the same time, he didn't want to make his own best friend angry. Elle did quite the opposite of what he had expected. She seemed as calm as unmoving water as she stood silently. Maybe Hermione had taken Sadie's side afterall... Maybe she had chosen the wrong friends. Maybe they all turned against her- maybe she had none in the first place.

Perhaps the whole being pampered thing was starting to wear off that was making Elle feel like this. Hogwarts was great and everything, but maybe the grass isn't as greener on the other side. Why did she think she needed friends anyways? Apparently, they just hurt you. It definitely was not the bestest feeling.

"Elle, wait, c'mon. Stay, please. For me?" Harry asked, pushing up his glasses just a bit before putting his hand on her arm. He didn't like seeing her like this- especially silent. He knew that they hadn't ever really talked a whole lot, but knowing she was his sister turned things to a new level. He hoped the silence didn't mean a huge blow up... They didn't need that today, not on the day of their parents' death.

Elle moved her arm from the other Potter's grasp. "I'm not very hungry." She said in a soft tone before stepping over the bench.

"Look, if this is about Ron calling you dramatic... Well, it's kind of true. Look at you right now, you are being a drama queen." Harry spoke, getting a bit heated himself that she wouldn't listen as a certain twin came and put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Well, whatever it is you are talking about, Mister Potter, I don't think it is helping." He spoke in a condescending tone, mocking McGonagall before grinning.

Despite his mockingness, what he said was true. Elle's face was just a bit more of a darker red. "So what if I am a drama queen. What's it matter to you?" She hissed, frowning a bit. Her hand went on the table as some heads turned towards Elle despite her quietness of the whole situation. The Potter twins fighting was definitely in for some juicy gossip. "You hardly even know me." She said this, completely ignoring George who was, in fact, just trying to get them to laugh.

Harry was stunned that she had even said that as Elle turned, her hair flicking off her shoulder, and she marched out of the room. Harry's face turned red itself as George watched with a questioning look. Ron rolled his eyes. "I told you so."

George walked over next to Harry and sat down. A few minutes later, Fred and Sadie entered the room. Sadie went to the Slytherin table while Fred joined his brother. As he sat, he let out a breath, patting George on the back with a smile. "Lovely day to you. The corridors still look glorious. It's a shame no one has claimed their artwork." He spoke, a sly grin on his face. George picked up his drink, smirking himself as well. "Such a shame."


Elle hurriedly walked around the corridors, her head pounding and her heart throbbing heavily. Some part of her couldn't help but feel incredibly guilty. Not only that but her heart felt like it had been taken out of her chest and squeezed to the point where blood oozed out of it. She could hear the dripping of it in her ears.

She felt the tingling that came with the color coming right out of her face as she continued on. She needed to get out of here. Anywhere but here. At least in her attic, she was away from people like this.

In Elle's sight was the main doors to Hogwarts as she made her way towards it; her hands were shaking. Before she made it, though, something stopped her and she fell. There was a hissing noise.

Elle blinked a couple of times and saw Professor Quirrell doubled up in pain. Her head pounded harder as she felt an intense stinging on the side of her neck. "W-what are you doing h-here Miss P-Potter when there i-is a feast?" He asked, slowly recollecting himself while stuttering.

"I-I'm sorry, professor." Elle mumbled, slowly standing up, yet she hardly had any balance as she closed her eyes. The pain was getting worse and worse as the man stared at her.

As this was happening, the corridor they were standing in began shaking. Quirrell's eyes widened. "T-T-Troll!" He exclaimed. "I h-have to go w-warn the others!" He then ran off faster than Elle thought he could.

Elle didn't have the will to run, though; nor did she feel like whipping out her wand. She watched as a giant troll- maybe nine feet and green ugly came towards her with a giant bat that looked more like a tree trunk. He stood over her as she looked up at him before her vision began fogging up.

Elle then fell, hard to the ground, narrowly missing the troll's swing at her. The pain slowly faded away into a not so better dream.

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