Platform Problems

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"Oh no Harry what are we going to do?!" I shouted at him pacing between platforms nine and ten.

Hagrid left us here with our train tickets that said that our train was at platform 9 and 3/4. Well guess what! THERE IS NO PLATFORM 9 AND 3/4!!!!!! I was freaking out. Our train was about to leave in ten minutes. That is IF OUR TRAIN EXISTS! Then during my pacing I bumped into a cute red headed boy.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I said blushing.

"It's alright." He said smiling. "You going to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah how did you know?"

"You have an owl." He pointed out causing me to blush again.

"Oh yeah..." I trailed off.

"We let's go to the platform!" He said linking his arm through mine.

Then he ran (pulling me) right at a brick wall.

"WHAT THE HE-" but I didn't finish because I had gone through the wall.

I realized I was at the platform. There was a scarlet train with the words: 'Hogwarts Express' painted on the side. I gasped. The boy smirked. I turned around as a whole family of gingers and my brother came through the wall.

"Bloody he-" Harry started to say before I smack the back of his head.

"Alright kids you'd better go!" The woman who I guessed was the gingers' mother said pulling everyone into hugs, even Harry and I.

I couldn't breath.

"Mum I think you're strangling them." The first red head said.

I think I'll call him Ginger 1 until I find out his name.

"Oh I'm sorry dears!" Ginger mum said letting us go. "Have a good school year kids! Behave!" She said that last part to Ginger 1 and someone who looked exactly like him.

They must be twins. I shall call him Ginger 2.

Gingers 1 and 2 smirked at each other when she said this. Then Ginger 1 grabbed my arm and ran onto the train followed closely by Ginger 2. They pulled me into a compartment and closed the door. I sat on one side and they sat opposite me.

"So who are you?" Ginger 2 and I asked at the same time.

"I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Elle." I introduced myself.

"Fred Weasley." Said Ginger 2 extending his hand.

I shook it studying his features so I could tell him and his twin appart. I know it's weird but even though they are identical Ginger 1 looked cuter than Fred.

"George Weasley." Ginger 1 said shaking my hand.

"So Elle, we didn't catch your last name." George said.

I sighed.

"Promise you won't stare or overreact or yell or anything?" I asked.



"So Elle, we didn't catch your last name." I said.

She sighed.

"Promise you won't stare or overreact or yell or anything?" She asked.

Oh gosh what's wrong with her last name?

"Promise." Fred and I said at the same time.

She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Potter." That's all she said.

The Unfortunate Life Of Harry Potter's TwinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя