Early Mornings

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Oh my gosh guys I haven't updated this since May holy crap! Well, this is the special New Years surprise I was talking about in my messages to followers. I hope you like it and I will be trying to upload more for all my stories. So Happy New Years and enjoy!

Oh also I went back through the past chapters and edited them a little cause they kinda suck in my opinion. I would've rather just deleted it and start over but you guys seem to like it so I just did some minor edits, changed some dialog etc. So you might want to go back and re-read the past chapters.


The first week of school went by fast. It wasn't so bad, the classes were pretty simple and the homework was minimal. However the amount of homework also went for the amount of sleep I was getting. I had to wake up early to get ready for classes and I was staying up late to help Fred, George, and Lee with the back to school prank. Needless to say I was not very happy to be woken up at eight am on a Saturday, even if it was by my two best friends.

Fortunately for me Hermione and Sadie got along swimmingly. We often worked on homework together and sat by each other in the classes we had together.

Ron was still being a douche, especially now that I hang out with Mione aaannnddd a Slytherin. It's like I've committed the worst sin ever against him. It's messed up, and no, I don't like it. At all.

So needless to say Harry and I haven't been spending much family time together either. Between classes, homework and him hanging out with his friends and me with mine we haven't found much time to talk to each other. That also upset me, but in a different way than Ron did.

I was planning on trying to spend time with Harry today but that changed when Hermione and Sadie woke me up at 8:00.

"Why are you up this early it's a Saturday!" I groaned, turning over to try to go back to sleep.

When they saw my actions they went and opened the red curtains, letting in tons of natural light.

I groaned again burying my head under my comforter.

"No, up now." Sadie commanded.

"Nooooooo." I whined.

"Come on Elle get up." Hermione said.

"Elizabeth René Potter you have three seconds to get up or else." Sadie said.

"One..." She started counting.


"Three!" She exclaimed and I suddenly felt soaked from head to toe.

"SADIE MARIE ANGELO YOU'D BETTER RUN!!" I yelled as I jumped out of my soaking wet bed.

She just smirked at me and ran from the dormitory. I wasted no time running after her, leaving Hermione to make sure I didn't kill anyone.

"Sadie I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as I ran out.

"Elle stop! it's not worth it!" Mione yelled running after me.

I got down to the common room just in time to see a head of blonde hair duck behind two red heads.

"Have you seen Sadie?" I asked them sweetly, pretending as if I didn't know where she was.

"Not a clue." Fred said while George said "She's behind us."

"George!" Sadie scolded him for blowing her cover.

"Aguamenti!" I shouted pointing my wand at her, soaking her from head to toe.

"There, now we're even." I said smirking at her.

"Whatever." She said, quickly drying herself with a spell as I did the same to myself.

"Alright well I'm going to change and then you can explain what we're doing today." I told Sadie and Hermione as I walked back up to my dorm.


Okay so happy new year!!!

I just want to quickly say thank you for all your support even though the story was on hold. I'm amazed that this story only has 11 parts, now twelve, but has 4.5k reads and 216 likes. I can't even believe it. When I started writing I was only doing it for myself, I never expected that many people to read my stories and actually like them. The support I'm getting from you guys is amazing and I can't thank you enough.

I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think!


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