Can Dreams Really Be Premonitions?

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Elle's eyes opened and above her was the notorious Sadie. But, rather than Sadie looking like her savage sinister self, she looked worried sick. Elle began to realize that Sadie had her arms on her shoulders as Elle stiffened like a board.

"Elizabeth!" Sadie exclaimed as she pulled her into a hug despite Elle's stiffness. "You're finally awake. You were screaming like a banshee and wouldn't wake up for like an hour!"

Had it really been only an hour? It felt like the dream lasted an eternity. Elle's eyebrows knitted together as Sadie looked at her expression. "I'm kidding, it wasn't that long. It felt that long though... And it really scared me!" Sadie brushed back her hair as she pulled away from Elle, knitting her own brows together. "It could have been that long. If I'm going to be honest with you, I had walked by the hospital wing on my way to potions and heard your terrorized screams." Sadie kept jabbering on as Elle looked at her hands.

So... Sadie wasn't even planning on coming to visit her? She just passed by? You know, none of Elle's other friends were there either.

She was... Alone. Truly alone, wasn't she? Just like the dream. Was it even a dream?

It was a premoniton. A reflection. A message.

As Elle was thinking of her dream she had before, Sadie was talking of the troll.

"- And Harry stuck his wand up the doofus's nose. It was totally awesome! Who knew first years could defeat a troll? My father always did say I was gifted. And then, Hermione took all the blame! Could you believe that? I would have thought that they would pin it on the Slytherin, but apparently not. I think we will all be great mates, wouldn't you agree?" Sadie looked at Elle and then noticed that the girl wasn't listening. "Elle..."

Elizabeth had only been half listening to the valiant tale. Sure, they'll all be great mates... They only left her in the dust. They only used her to get to that point.

"Elle!" Sadie said louder, waving her hand in front of Elle's face. Elle's eyes wandered to Sadie's clammy hand before she rolled over.

"Go to class. No one likes an irritated professor Snape." Sadie halted in the middle of saying 'Elle' another time as she paused, clearing her throat.

"I guess you are right. I'll see you later, Elle." Sadie spoke, clutching her books closer to her chest before running off, remembering that her house would shank her if she lost another 10 points.

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