Family fights and friends

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"Ooh. Ooh. Harry we gotta go see Hagrid!" I said jumping up and down.

It's Saturday, a.k.a he first full day of the school year and we don't have classes for the next week!!!!

"Ok. Can I bring Ron?" Harry asked.

"As long as I can bring Mione." I said.

"Eww no. Hermione? Ugh. She's such a know-it-all." Ron said.

I slapped him. Hard.

"What was that for?!" He exclaimed.

I slapped him again.

"Jerk." Then I walked away.

"Elle wait a sec!" Harry said running up to me.

"If it has anything to do with Ron, I don't want to hear it." I said angrily.

"No! I just thought we were going to Hagrid's!" He said.

"Oh you and Ron can go now, I'll go with Mione later." I said dismissing him.

"Are you sure?" He asked?

"Yes Harry now go. Please." I said.

"Alright. See ya later Elle." He said and ran off.

I sighed. Why does he have to be so rude?! And why does Harry have to defend him?! I sighed again.

"Hiya Elle!" Lee said.

"Hey Lee." I said.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.


"Oh. I saw Harry and Ron outside. How come your not with them?"

"Urgh!!! Why does everyone think I'm friends with Ron?!?!?!"

"Uhh cause you are?"

"No I'm not! He is self entered and rude!"

"Oh. Hey you want some food? You missed lunch."

"I did?!"



Lee stopped walking.

"Wait where are we gonna get food?" I also stopped.

"The kitchens of course! Fred and George are already in there."

"Where are they?"

"Tickle the pear."

"Excuse me?"

"Tickle the pear."

"Uhhh okaaay."

I tickled the pear in the painting on the wall. The pear giggled and a doorknob appeared.

"Well then." I said and we walked in.

"Welcome to the kitchens." He said.

"What can Riley get for Mr. Jordan?" A creature asked him.

"Ohmygoshwhatisthat?!?!?!" I shrieked and hid behind Lee.

"Calm down Elle it's just a house elf. They're friendly."

"Oh. Hello." I said waving to Riley.

"Hello Miss-" Riley started.

"Potter." Lee said.

"But you can call me Elle." I said.

"Okay Miss Elle." Riley said.

I smiled at the house elf. She was cute, I don't know why I was afraid of her.

The Unfortunate Life Of Harry Potter's TwinWhere stories live. Discover now