Still homestuck~...

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A week had gone by since Frankie had joined Alice, Callie, Jynx, Lexy, and Icey at their manor in the hetalia dimension. Everyone was still kind of adjusting to the whole HomeStuck thing. Especially the Hetalia characters, they were so confused, and not everyone got along...

"YOU WANKER, GET YOUR GOD DAMN ASS BACK HERE!!" Oliver yelled as he zoomed past Callie and Jynx who were talking about how they could get the HomeStuck characters and the Hetalia characters to like eachother better.

Callie looked at Jynx with wide eyes. "Did...Oliver...just...cuss?" she asked him, her eyes still wide. "I think..he did..." Jynx told her, his eyes just as wide. "LETS HAVE SOME FUN!" Callie sang as she went to go get a jar.

She also took a red sharpie and wrote Swear Jar on the lid and the front of the jar. She laughed and started jogging in the direction that Oliver had ran off in. "OLLIE~!!! YOU KNOW THE RULES~!!! PUT A DOLLER IN THE SWEAR JAR~!" Callie sang and shook around the jar.

"FUCK YOUR DAMN SWEAR JAR, THIS WANKER STOLE MY CUPCAKE TINS!!" Oliver whined and pointed to Gamzee. "HoNk HoNk," Gamzee said and started running off in the other direction. "UGHH!! YOU BLOODY WANKER!!' Oliver yelled again, flailing his arms around.

"Calm down, Oliver~ besides, the swear jar was your rule in the first place!" Callie told him and threw the jar at Gamzee, it hit the ground and broke, making Gamzee trip over the shards of glass. "Aww, aren't you just an adorable and sweet little girl~! thank you for helping me~!" Oliver said to Callie and went to go snatch his cupcake tins from Gamzee.

"HEY, CALL ME THAT AGAIN AND ILL FUCKING SHOVE YOUR CUPCAKE TINS UP YOUR ASS." Callie yelled, and stomped away, before Oliver could make her put a dollar in the swear jar.

"How did you get them to stop?" Jynx asked Callie as she returned. "Uh..i tripped Gamzee with broken glass.." she told him. "CALLIE!! WHAT THE FUCK,BRAH!" Jynx yelled and flailed his arms around. "Pfft, hes fine.." she told him. "See?" she asked him as Gamzee came back aswell, with a sour expression on his face.

"Not cool, Brah!!" Jynx said to Callie and scooped up Gamzee to go see if hes alright. "I WANNA SEE WHAT COLOR HIS BLOOD IS~!!" Callie scream-sang and skipped after Jynx and Gamzee

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Meanwhile, with Anta and Frankie~

"Yeah, this is insane!!" Frankie said to Anta as she sat on the bed rocking back and forth. "ITS LIKE HOMESTUCK TOOK OVER!!" Anta yelled and joined Frankie on the bed, mimicking her moves. "I WANNA GO HOME TO MY CAKE!!" Frankie whined and stopped rocking. "I wonder...if they have any cake here..." Frankie thought outloud and exited her room, to the hallway.

"I FOUND CAKE, Margaret~!!!" Frankie sang, and waltzed back into her room, where Anta was crying about missing Iceland or something. "Are you seriously crying over Emil?" Frankie asked her puppet. "Y-Y-Y-YESSS!!' Anta stuttered out, rocking on the bed.

"You know hes just in Iceys room right?" Frankie asked Margaret, and sat on the bed, stabbing her fork into the cake. "Y-YES BUT ICEY W-WONT LET US I-IN!!" Anta whined. "Im sure she will leave her room sooner or later~!' Frankie reassured Margaret and offered her some cake.

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Meanwhile with Icey and her puppets~

"GOD DAMMIT, KARKAT!!' Icey screamed and pulled him off of Emil, who was shaking violently. "ALL I SAID WAS 'WHY ARE YOUR HORNS SO SHORT!?"1!!!" Iceland yelled and sobbed in the corner. "HE SHOUDLNT HAVE BROUGHT IT UP, DAMMIT!!" Karkat protested, and went to his own corner aswell.

Icey sighed and sat on her bed. "I WANNA GO HOME!!" She yelled. "TOO BAD, WERE STAYING!!'" Jynx yelled from downstairs, causing Icey to groan and flop back down on the bed. "I WANT ICECREAM!!" She yelled and went downstairs to get some, taking Karkat with her, so he didn't start anymore fights, "Motherfucking..." Karkat grumbled as he was dragged.

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Meanwhile with lexy and her puppets~

"NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NOOOO!!" She yelled and waved her arms around, to get Solluxs attention. "What?" he asked her as he continued typing on her laptop. "THATS MY LAPTOP,BRO!!" She screamed at him. "SO? GO AWAY, FUCK.." He yelled back. "YOUR HACKING MY GOD DAMN LAPTOP?!" She screamed and kept waving her arms around. "Well..yes" he said and groaned. "FUCK YOU!!" She yelled and stomped out of her room.

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Meanwhile, with Alice and her brits~!

"AHHHH!! I OWN YOU STOP THIS, THIS INSTANT!!" Alice yelled as she was strapped to the table by a very angry Olivia. "NO!" Olivia yelled at her and tightened the bonds, making Alice yelp.

"TO THE RESCUEEE~!!!!" Alfred yelled and busted through the window. "Oh great~ Alfies here~ come here, Alfred,dear, were making cupcakes~!" Olivia cooed to America and went to go get a butcher knife. "NO YOUR NOT!" He yelled and punched her in the nose, knocking her on her ass.

"YAAAY~!" Alice yelled and Alfred freed her and she jumped up from the table.

"TEA TIME~!" She growled and dragged Olivia by her hair to the tea room.

"WERE HERE, WHATS WRONG?!" Lexy and Icey yelled as they bursted through the door, only to find, a restraining table and a busted window. "YOU HAVE TO FIX THIS SHIT!!!" They both yelled to Alfred.

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Once again, everything was calm...for now~

"You cant fight the HomeStuck, though its weird, and random, its the greatest fandom~ You cant fight the HomeStuck, true, its quite outrageous, but its so contagious~!" Callie sung as she spun John around the living room. John was trying so hard to write shit down, while she was doing so, but found it impossible

"Mmmmm~" Frankie cooed as she stabbed her fork into the chocolate cake, and plopped it into her mouth. "C-Can I have some?" Anta asked, and Frankie nodded, handing her a forkful.

"FINNALLY, SOME GOD DAMN ICECREAM!!" Icey sighed as she plopped down beside Frankie at the kitchen table. "C-Can...I have some?" Karkat asked Icey, with a horrible smile on his face. "oH GOD, IF YOU STOP SMILING YOU CAN!!" Icey promised.

"IM DAVE STRIDER, AND IM GOING TO PLAY MY SWEET BEATS FOR YOU LADYS~!" Dave said as he plopped a turntable on the kitchen table as Jynx plugged it in. "WHO IN MOTHERFUCKING HOLY HELL ARE YOU CALLING A LADY?!" Karkat screamed..

((Yay~ finally a super long chapter~! sorry for any mistakes at all, including, names, and spelling errors, and let me just say I love you guys~! *glomps Jynx, Icey, Frankie, Alice, And Lexy* ))

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