Shit gets serious

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Callie and Jynx had everyone seated in chairs in the living room, with them in front, and behind them a huge white board. They both had a marker each and had a very serious look on their face.

"OKAY!" Callie yelled, calling order. "We called you guys here today to set some shit straight." she finished and uncapped her marker. "First, we mark down everyone and their puppets, reassign rooms, shit like that." She added. By the time they finished, the board looked like this;

Julie: Kurloz, Room one.

KK: Kanaya West, Mechan. Room two

Jynx: Mituna, Latula, Kankri, Sober! Gamzee, Eridan (Humanstuck as well) Davesprite, bro. room three

Callie: Lil Cal, Nepeta, Rose. room four

Snow: Snow, Dave. Room five.

"Okay, now that that's cleared up, we need to go over the new rules-"  Jynx was interrupted when Kanaya politely held her hand up. "Kanaya?" Jynx asked after sighing.

"So, does this mean that were puppets once again?" the jade blood asked and Jynx rolled her  eyes and nodded curtly.

"Like I was saying-"

"BUT I DONT WANT TO BE A FUCKING PUPPET!" Dave stood up and yelled.

"TOO FUCKING BAD NO SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND LET ME FINISH TALKING, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Jynx screamed and everyone got quiet. "Thank you... Now, as I was saying..The rules. There is only a few that I ask you follow."  Jynx finished and started scribbling them down on the board.

No going into eachothers rooms past curfew

Curfew is five in the morning.

Everyone cheered at how ridiculous the rules were.

"SHUTUP WERE NOT FINISHED!" Jynx yelled again and sighed. "Theres a few more things before we can all really get settled back in." she said and capped her marker.



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