Everybody STAHP

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"OH MY GLUB YOU PEOPLE!!!" Fefri yelled and flailed her arms, as Sollux and Lexy fought over Sollux dancing.

"STOP.JOHN IS MY SON!" Callie screamed and started pulling on Johns arm, as Lexy pulled the other.

"BUT SOMEONE STOLE SOLLUX FROM ME!!" Lexy whined and tugged harder.

"GET OFF OF ME GOD DAMMIT!!" Karkat yelled as he was glomped once again by Gamzee.


"Why cant we all get along, Dears~?" Calliope asked smiling.

"SHUTUP, CALLIE!" Everyone screamed at Calliope.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK!?" Callie yelled.



"EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!" Icey screamed, creating a dead silence that filled throughout the manor. "OKAY WERE OBVIOUSLY NOT GETTING ALONG." Icey stated. "SO WERE GOING TO HAVE TO ADJUST SOME SHIT."

"Okay, everybody go to their rooms but leave their puppets here. Were going to get the puppets a little rehab center type thing where they will learn to get along better." Icey told everyone calmly.

"OH FUCK NO!" Karkat screamed ad through a apple at Icey, which she caught and threw back at him, giving him the death glare.

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"Okay, time to sort this shit out, bros!!" America said cheerfully. He was told by Icey to teach the puppets how to get along better.

"HEY FUCKASS CAN I LEAVE?" Karkat asked.

"Fraid not, dude." America told him and frowned.

"Uhhhh gross..." Alfred said as Terezi licked his cheek.

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"ENGLANDDDD!!!" America yelled as he ran past Iggy, trolls and humans chasing him, all laughing.

"Atleast there getting along." Icey said and shrugged as she watched from her window

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