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Callie had just got done prying Nepeta off of Karkat, and wanted to go get John, and dance some more. So she started walking back to her room. "JOHNNNN LETS DANCE AGAIN,BROHA" She yelled and opened her door. "AHHHHHHHHH HOLY CHRIST!" she screamed, All of her puppets were dead, laying in a pool of blood, and her room was completely trashed. But what really made her freaked out was the wall, it said: 'are you next?'

She screamed bloody murder and passed out :3

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"She wont stop carrying around that machete.." Alice said to Frankie, as she ate pasta. "I know...." Frankie answered, biting into what was her fourth piece of cake, that hour. "VEEE~ Can I have some pasta~?" Italy asked Alice, with an adorable smile. "Awwww! nope." she said and ate a forkful. Callie walked by them, holding the machete and looking around frantically. "You okay..Callie?" Frankie asked, making Callie jump, and run away.

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