Mission Impossible...

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"LETS DO THIS SHIT!!" Callie yelled. "YOU HAVE TO BE QUIET!!" John yelled back. "YOUR YELLING TO!!" Callie yelled again, waving her arms around. "SHHH, ICEY IS GOING TO HEAR US, YOU IDIOT!!" John yelled, waving his arms around aswell. "DONT TALK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY YOUNG MAN!!"

"You guys suck at sneaking.."


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"You really shouldnt have been sneaking around in her room.." Alice said and sighed. "MOTHERFUCKER, SHE DIDNT HAVE TO HIT ME WITH A BOTTLE ROCKET!!" Callie screamed and flailed. "What were you even doing!?" Alice asked. "Icey borrowed my investigating book, and wouldnt give it back, so we had to go in after it." John explained.

"WHY DIDNT YOU GET HIT?!" Callie flailed again. "Cause i saw something i wanted to investigate right when she pointed the bottle rocket at you.." John said and shrugged.

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((i wanted this to be longer, but im on my grannys old work computer, and this thing is a fucking dinosaour. .-.   OH MY FUCKING GOD, FUCKING DINOSOAUR, JESUS CHRIST, WHAT THE FUUUUCK? HOLY FUCKING CHRIST, ITS A DINOSOAUR-...sorry, i thought of the fucking dinosoaur song...and anyway..my laptop is dead or else i would have done it on that..aaaaaand i kinda dont have anymore ideas for this chapter right now...perhaps when i get home, something will come to mind, and i can make a longer chapter....ciao .-. ))

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