Part 10

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You pull back and look at him as he holds the revealing test. His face flushed, he's beginning to sweat a little his eyes staring, like he's off in another world. The make-up you had forgotten to wash off the night before is streaming down your face, leaving grey marks as it goes. You're speechless. 'The one time you do it without a condom and your pregnant. YOU'RE EVEN ON THE PILL.' You think to yourself. You pull your hands to your chest then raise them above your head. You start to sob all over again and fall to your knees on the floor. You put your elbows in your lap and rest your head on your palms. He crouches down next to you and puts his arm around your back, pulling you close. You try to pull yourself together. You take in a deep breath before saying, "Patrick, I'll understand  if-" you look into his eyes he's scared but at the same time comforting. You feel the tears stream down your face as you continue, "if you don't want to do this." The tears fall rapidly from your eyes. "I'll completely understand. You're young, and have your whole life ahead of you. I'm not going to get an abortion. I don't think i could bring myself to do it. Like i said, i'll und-" he cuts you off with a kiss. 

He pulls back, and you're still crying. 

"I love you," he says, pulling you into his lap. "I asked you to marry me last night, didn't I?" He asks you.

"Yes. You did," you answer, holding up your left hand, looking at the gorgeous ring he'd given you. 

"That means I will love you forever. Of course, I didn't see this coming. But that's what love is. Sticking with that person through everything. No matter how hard you both know it will be. I don't want you to get an abortion. Yes, I'm scared, but I'm going to raise this baby with you." He says. His voice quivers at some points, like he is tearing up. 

You look up and he has two tears streaming down his face. 

"Baby, don't cry," you start to sob harder as you wipe away his tears. "I love you so much Patrick."

You bury your face in his chest again. "Are we telling your parents tonight?" You ask, remembering your plans for the evening. 

"We'll see how the night goes, and we might." He kisses you, picking you up and carrying you to the bed to lie down. He takes You into the room and you lay your head on his chest. you make little circles softly on his stomach. He rubs his hand up and down along your shoulder. Now and then you feel a tear roll down your face. 

"It's all going to be okay." He says, lifting your head up. You smile then lay your head back down, and continue to make circles, you make one on his lower belly and he giggles. You both sit there for what seems like hours. And then you say that you both should get ready. 

You both decide to dress a little more casual tonight. You're wearing tight black skinny jeans and your favorite band T-Shirt. He's wearing grey jeans and a blue polo, and his favorite pair of glasses, ditching the fedora for tonight. 

"I tried to get the whole family there, but I don't think Megan is going to make it. Kevin will be there though. You'll love Kevin," he tells you as you're walking down to the car. 

You're extremely excited to meet his family. 'It'll be better than when he met my family' you think. 

"I think we should tell them," he says out of the blue. You'd been thinking of ways to tell people all afternoon. You can still barely believe it yourself. 

You're pregnant. For Patrick. You definitely planned on having kids with him, but not this soon. You're scared. But you're very excited as well. 

"You really think so?" You ask, reaching for his hand, coving it with yours. 

"Yeah. My mom will be excited. My dad too. We'll tell them towards the end of the night. If that's okay with you."

"Okay." You say with a smile. "What about Kevin? What do you think Kevin will say?" You ask. 

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