Chapter One

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The moon crosses in front of the sun creating an eclipse and I roll my eyes once again. I've been stuck in this hellhole for over a decade, I'm pretty sure it's been two.

As I pass the mirror in my room, I pause and backtrack. Glancing at myself, I lift up my shirt and place my hands gently on my stomach. I should have had the baby by now. At this point, it should be almost 19 or so. Pushing back the tears, I drop my shirt and head down to the kitchen.

In all my time here, I realized that I'm stuck in the year 1994. A year after I died which doesn't make any sense and it still doesn't. I should be in the ground rotting away by now but instead I'm stuck in a world where no one but me exists. Literally. There is no other proof of life except me. I can't even find a damn squirrel in this place.

As I close the fridge, a sound comes from outside. My head snaps towards the window and for the first time in over twenty years, I see people. Not just one but two. A man and a woman.

"Ugh. How many more streets are we gonna wander?" The man speaks. He sounds annoyed and frustrated.

"How many times are you gonna ask me questions I don't have the answer to?" The woman rolls her eyes. Her dark skin glints in the sunlight.


She's a Bennett witch. I can practically feel the power radiating from her.

"There's something different about these cars." She continues glancing around.

"Yeah." He scoffs. "They're all almost twenty years old or more and yet they look brand new." The man also glances around before they stop on my house. "And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house."

"Elena?" I whisper.

His eyes shoot back up to the house as if he heard me. "Someone's in there." He whispers as he points to the house. The Bennett witch glances at the house as well.

I take a deep breath and make my way out of my home. As I stand on the porch, they stare at me in disbelief.

"How do you know Elena?" I ask.

They frown and stand defensively. "How do you know Elena?"

"I asked you first." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Blue eyes just rolls his eyes and stomps over to me only to run into an invisible barrier.

I smirk. "I'd think twice."

"Elena is his girlfriend and my best friend, are you happy now?" The Bennett witch shakes her head at the two of us as if we were children.

"How old is Elena?" I wonder aloud.

"You still haven't told us how you know her." The wi-Bonnie. Her name is Bonnie Bennett.

"Bonnie Bennett?" I frown. "Your grandmother was Sheila Bennett, right?"

Her brows furrow.

"I'm not the only one confused, right?" Blue eyes mutters.

"How do you know my name?" She asks.

I chuckle and sit down on the porch steps. "I used to change your diapers when your grandmother dropped you off. I believe it was you and Caroline that were always around Elena. Even when you were babies, they hoped you three would become best friends." I glance down, sadly. "I only wish I got to see you girls grow up."

Bonnie plops down beside me.

"You won't remember me, I died when Elena was one." I caught the confused frown on her face. "I was adopted at a late age. Believe me, I had questions for Miranda and Grayson too. The day I died was the day they told me I was adopted, though, not officially." I shrug. "They just found me one day and decided to keep me. I was eighteen."

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