Chapter Sixteen

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"Damon!" I smack at his hands with a giggle.

He smirks against my cheek. "What?" He mumbles, lips brushing my skin with every word. "I'm just helping you get clean."

I give a pointed look towards his hand creeping towards my breasts. "You're hands are saying otherwise."

He chuckles, placing a wet kiss on my neck. "Who cares?"

Believe it or not, Damon and I had not had sex with each other yet. We've showered together, done other things but, never sex. It's not that I didn't want to because, trust me, Damon is a walking temptation. It's just about the time. We never had it. We were always busy with some up and coming threat and when we did have the time, it was usually spent or interrupted by Rowan.

I guess a part of me was pulling away from it out of nervousness. It's been a while...well, from what I can remember. I've been trapped in a prison world for two decades. What if I'm a little rusty?!

I think Damon could tell I was tensing up because he whirled me around, his blues searching my face.

"What's going on inside here?" His knuckle gently brushes my temple.

I purse my lips. "It's..." I let out a hesitant sigh. "It's been a while, okay? I've been dead for over twenty years in a world where no one but me existe-Oh my god." And there went any type of sexual tension on my end.

"What?" He frowns.

My mouth opens but, nothing comes out. It happens a couple more times until finally, I spit something out. "Kai. He's been there the whole time. I didn't once see him." I whisper.

He nods, still lost but following.

"What if he was seeing me?"

"What if he was seeing me?" I finish.

His brows remained furrowed for a few more seconds as his brain tried to process what I was saying. Confusion turned to surprise and finally, anger. His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. "He's lucky he's not here for me to kill him."

Another pang of guilt hit me at the mention of him. I don't care for Kai. He's a murderer. A sociopath. These pangs of guilt don't make any sense especially right now.

His eyes suddenly shift into something heavier, the tension slowly creeping back in. When he spoke, it was rougher than usual. "Is that what you did? All by yourself?"

I wanted to respond, I really did but it was as if my mouth suddenly ran dry and all thoughts just disappeared. My focus was on his mouth and the way his tongue poked out to drag his bottom lip between teeth.

The smell of bacon snapped me out of it. "Do you smell that?"

His lips curl upwards. "Oh, I can smell it." His eyes flash.



"No." I shake my head to snap myself out of it. "Bacon, Damon. I'm smelling bacon. Nobody else should be in the house, Damon."

"It's probably Stefan and Caroline." He shrugs.

"It doesn't smell like them." I argue.

"You know what they smell like?" He makes a face.

"Damon." I roll my eyes and climb out of the shower, quickly drying myself off and throwing on a robe. Damon was barely coming out of the bathroom as I flew out of the room and rushed downstairs.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

She stood lost in the kitchen with a plate of food that had toast with an egg in it and some bacon. She looked at me in surprise and held out the plate. "I brought breakfast."

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