Chapter Two

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The days have been going by slowly. Very slowly. I think it's been about two months since Damon and Bonnie showed up and so far, no dice. We can't find a way out of here just yet. Bonnie is still magic-less and her and Damon argue every day. Every day. It's honestly getting on my nerves.

Once again Damon is flipping pancakes like he does Every. Single. Day. The only bright side is that they've gotten better by a lot.

Bonnie and I sit at the counter in front of Damon. Bonnie continues to struggle with the crossword and my nose has been stuck inside Sheila's grimoire.

Over the past few weeks, Bonnie and Damon have done their best to fill me in on what's happened so far.

Apparently, this all started when Miranda and Grayson Gilbert died. My 'parents'. There was a car accident and they swerved off of Wickery Bridge. Stefan, Damon's brother, was the one to pull Elena out of the car. Damon was the one who met her first as he keeps reminding us. Then school started and Stefan showed up, Damon followed, chaos ensued. Damon kills Stefan's best friend, Stefan tries to leave, Elena finds out about vampires.

Jeremy, who is the youngest sibling, was a druggie. His 'lover' became a vampire thanks to Damon. Then he moved on to another vampire that had a psycho mother that was locked inside a tomb where Damon and Stefan's ex-lover was supposed to be but wasn't. Damon went crazy and hurt Bonnie. He also hurt Caroline, used her as a blood bag. I've found that Damon was the reason behind a lot of these things.

'Ric' aka Alaric Saltzman comes into town to kill Damon because he killed his wife. Only to find out that she wasn't dead at all and she was actually Elena's birth mother. Turns out, she was given to Miranda and Grayson because her and John, Uncle 'Asshole' John, didn't know what to do with the baby. They really have a knack for taking in unwanted kids. I think Jeremy was the only kid that actually came from Miranda's vagina.

Anyways, Ric's wife dies to protect Elena. Katherine Pierce, Damon and Stefan's ex manipulative, psycho, bitch-according to Damon, comes to town; or was there already and turned Caroline into a vampire just for kicks. Elena turned out to be her doppelganger and that's just a fancy way to say they look exactly alike. Tyler Lockwood became a werewolf after he accidentally killed somebody.

Then the Originals showed up. They're supposed to be the first vampires ever created. Elijah, the oldest, had people kidnap Elena and stir a few things up. He was gonna use her but then decided to help her. Protect her from his brother, Klaus.

Klaus is a hybrid. Vampire/Werewolf. His werewolf side was dormant until he completed the ritual that freed that side of him which is where Jenna came in. He needed a vampire, a werewolf, a human doppelganger (Elena), and a witch to do the spell. He was gonna use Tyler and Caroline until Damon saved them so, he had to improvise. He killed all three but Elena survived because John gave his life for hers. He had Katherine turn Jenna into a vampire and kidnapped some other wolf. That's when Ric stepped in to take care of the last couple Gilbert's.

Damon got bit by Tyler. Apparently, a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire. Because of this, Stefan gave himself over to Klaus because conveniently enough, his blood was the cure. Stefan became the 'Ripper' which basically just means his darker side. He tears apart the bodies while he feeds and then remorse kicks in and puts them back together again.

Eventually, Klaus finds out Elena never died and that it was the reason his hybrids weren't surviving. They needed Elena's blood. Klaus came back to town and caused some more chaos until eventually, Elena died. Matt, her best friend/ex-boyfriend, and Jeremy decided to drive her out of town to keep her away from Klaus and his family who also showed up to town to destroy a lot of things but, I'm gonna skip over that. Except, Klaus' mother used Ric's alter ego that went crazy because of a magic ring that brought him back every time and it didn't help that Damon kept killing him.

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