Chapter Eighteen

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"How do you know him?" Elena asks me gently.

We haven't been able to track down Rowan and all it's doing is feeding into my anger. If everyone in this room thought Damon was the worst of us, they're about to be in for a rude awakening if I don't have my baby in my arms in the next few hours.

Damon's out with Stefan, Ric, Tyler and Liv. The only reason the last two are tagging along is because Liv is a witch, she can help track him. Tyler just doesn't leave her side for some reason.

Jo has been doing everything she can to bring her magic back to no avail. Bonnie has been muttering over a map for the last hour. I can feel her anger too. The things Kai did made her bitter and angry. Whoever took Rowan didn't have just his parents to worry about.

Elena has been helping me try and piece everything before I died. I still had the memories of the Gilbert household. I told her everything I could remember and we settled on one person.

Alex Lockwood.

When I told her, she had this weird look in her eye. After some probing, she told me that it was Tyler's last name. Tyler Lockwood.

"I went to school with him. I had been in Mystic Falls for a few months when he showed up. I didn't think anything of him at first. I just thought he was nice." I shrug. "It wasn't until Grams pulled me aside."

Bonnie perks her head up, pausing her chant. "My Grams?"

I nod. "Sheila." I confirm.

Her entire body shifts, although she kept her hand on the map as if a feeling would flow through her and she'd suddenly just point at the area Rowan was in.

"She told me to stay away from him. He was trouble. She could feel it." I continue. "Told me that he would be my downfall if I continued onto that path but of course, I was nineteen." I smile bitterly. "I didn't listen to her." I tightly grip the paper in my hands, crinkling the sides.

You'll find him where it all began, Sweets.

That's all it said and I have no clue what he meant. The first time we met? There was nothing at the school. Our first friend date? The grill is destroyed. Nothing there.

Hopefully Caroline would have something. She rushed over to her house to grab the pictures from her mom's closet and to see if anymore were hiding around. So far, she hasn't said anything yet.

Elena chews on her lip. "Would it be okay if I call Tyler and ask if he knows anything about Alex or if he can find anything in the old house?" I nod and she wastes no time in calling him.


"Did you know anybody named Alex in your family?"

A pause. "Uh, not really."

"Tyler, are you sure? You didn't hear anything about an Alex?" She pushes.

"Uh, my dad mentioned an Alex once but, it was a long time ago." Tyler sighs. "Why?"

"Because we think Alex Lockwood is the person who took Rowan, we just don't know where." Elena informs.

"Who's Alex Lockwood?" Damon's voice growls through the line.

"He' old friend." I hesitate.

Elena and Bonnie pin me with a look.

"Any other time, girl code." Bonnie nods. "But, not right now."

I sigh. "He was a friend. We weren't anything more. He just..." I stand and begin to pace. "He wanted more. It wasn't a secret to anybody that he was in love with me despite me telling him that I wouldn't be getting together with him."

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