Chapter Nine

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So, Damon and I still haven't told everyone who I really am mostly because Damon and Enzo seem pretty adamant that we knew each other in the 1950's. I still have no clue how since I can't seem to remember anything past Mystic Falls 1990.

"So, why are we here again?" I ask. Stefan, Damon, Ric, and myself are currently traipsing through the woods of Portland, Oregon. Kai's hometown.

"To avoid going to friends-giving because Stefan's not invited per Caroline's request." Damon adds.

"Or are you avoiding Elena?" Stefan smirks.

"I have no reason to avoid her anymore." Damon shrugs.

"Speaking of," Ric raises his phone. Elena is calling. "Hello?"

"You can't miss friends-giving. I mean, Matt and Jeremy are already cleaning up the whole Tripp mess and Caroline's mom has to work. We're already low on friends as it is." She complains.

"Well, if it's any consolation, our Thanksgiving was roadside chili." He walks off a little ways away.

"Hey." Stefan leans over to Damon. "Were you invited to friends-giving?"

Damon scoffs. "Of course. Caroline demanded I bring string beans but, I kind of already had plans." He tosses a wink my way.

"So, who are you again?" Stefan raises his brows.

"Long story short, I'm Scarlett. Damon killed me back in '92 and then found me again when he died and here we are."

"Okay." He nods, slowly. "But why?"

"You're just big with the questions today, aren't you, Stefan?" Damon rolls his eyes. His ears perk up and he turns towards Ric's direction. "Why wouldn't I consult you in a decision that might permanently change your life? Hmm. I wonder." He sarcastically retorts to whatever Elena said.

Ric rolls his eyes. "He didn't want to get your hopes up. He honestly thought Bonnie died trying to free them. If she sent her teddy bear over, it could mean she's still..." Ric trails off.

"I never once thought Bonnie was dead." I smack Damon's arm.

"Uh..." Ric glances at me. "Her name's Scarlett...Yeah, she's here...Uh...Stefan sends his love." He hurriedly hangs up the phone.

"What was that about?" I question.

"Nothing." His heartbeat says otherwise.

"Guys, I tracked down this lead a few months ago. There's nothing there." Stefan informs for the hundredth time.

This is going to be a long trip.


"Is that the reason Caroline assigned me the turkey and the cranberries? Stefan wasn't invited?" Ric laughs.

"See what you did? Now, we're pulling your weight. I really hope you figure this out before Christmas." Damon teases.

"Yeah, well, I'm glad you're both finding amusement in this." Stefan glares at the two of them.

"Why don't you just date her? Put us all out of our misery."

"Because I don't think about her that way. She's my friend." Stefan rolls his eyes.

"Don't tell me you actually believe that?" I chime in. "Stefan, I don't know you and even I can tell that you're full of shit."

Ric and Damon toss their heads back with laughter as Stefan directs his glare towards me.

"She'd make a great girlfriend." Damon pipes up. "Look, one, she's hot-objectively."

"Two, she puts up with you." Ric adds.

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