Chapter Fourteen

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I posted 2 chapters today (14 & 15) Enjoy

"I don't get why we're doing this." I huff even though I technically haven't done anything.

"You've been sitting on the couch as 'Supervisor' since we brought it in." Stefan rolls his eyes.

I glare at him. "You're the one who told me to sit here and then Caroline piped in with the heavily pregnant card. Who was I to deny such a request?" Frowning, I look around the decorated living room. "And where did Bonnie go?"

I didn't even realize she wasn't with us.

"Damon called her and said he needed her for something." Elena shrugs.


I swear to everything above, if him calling her has anything to do with Kai, I'm going to lose it. I've seen the way Bonnie was in 1994 over the past few months. I don't think she's told anybody about the nightmares she's been getting. The only reason I even know about them is because I had stayed up a little too late once.

In the first month of being trapped with Bonnie, she was grateful, sure. But she also kept to herself despite the fact that we had four previous months together. At first, I let her have her space, but when she almost froze at the sight of the cut on my finger, I had to ask her about her time with Kai.

My heart breaks when I think about the torture she had to go through while Damon and I were here. I clearly haven't told Damon about any of it because if she wants to tell him, she will.

But if Damon brought Kai to her knowing she expressed dislike for the guy, I think we're going to have a bit of an issue.

"Um, Scar?" Stefan is slighting waving his hand to get my attention. His eyes drift from my face to my legs.

Confused, I glance down only to find a small puddle of clear liquid on the floor. My eyes widen as everyone rushes over to me, Caroline shouting orders, hands grabbing and pulling me towards a car, and Bonnie rushing over.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" She fusses as she swats at the other hands on me, replacing them with hers.

"I think my water just broke." I manage to get out. "Damon! He's not here."

She rolls her eyes slightly, leading me to believe that whatever Damon did, had something to do with Kai. "Elena, call Damon and let him know we're taking Scar to the hospital and that she's in labor."

I shook my head. "Last I heard, Kai was taking him to the-thing."

"Well, I just saw him, he's still very much here." She informs, giving me a tight smile.

"Bonnie?" I place my hand on hers.

She shakes her head, softly. "Let's deal with this first, okay? I'm not going anywhere without you." She smirks.

I scoff. I know she wouldn't.

Bonnie and I had already made a deal when we found out about Damon's mother. We would both be there for him if we were to go get her. We had heard how much he loved his mother with the way he spoke about her. And he did. Speak about her. About how she would tell him and his brother a bedtime story before bed. How she'd play with them in the garden before she passed.

Er, became a vampire.

Anyways, I-

"Ah!" I hunch over with my hands on my stomach.

"Okay, that's a contraction." Jo announces. "They seem pretty far apart so, there's still time." She turns to Stefan. "You should probably drive faster regardless."

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