Chapter Nineteen

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I rock slightly on my heels as I wait for Elena to show up. If I don't give her the cure now, I never will because I'd forget about it.

Damon had already left with Rowan to do his thing.

A knock followed by Elena's voice enters the house.

"I'm in the living room." I shout, grabbing the cure from its spot on the coffee table.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" She looks at me, worried.

"Yeah, no. Everything's fine. There's something I've been meaning to do since Bonnie and I got back from the prison world."

She nods, slowly. "Okay..."

I hold up the cure between my fingers. Her eyes widen and her body grows still. "Is that..."

I nod, handing it to her. "We all agreed that if anyone needed it," I close her palm around the cure. "It's you."

"Scarlett, I-I don't know what to say." She stares down at it as if it was the answer to life and why we went through it.

"Just say thank you and we'll be on our way. Caroline already texted me four times. I don't want a fifth." As I stand, staring down at my phone, I feel her tiny arms wrap around me.

"Thank you, Scarlett."

A flash of baby Elena floats through my mind. Blood or not, she's my baby sister. I'd protect her with everything in me if she decides to take the cure.

"You're welcome, Lena." I guide her out the door.


Bonnie, Elena, Caroline and I were currently hiding behind a wall inside the hospital. Caroline and Elena were pretty adamant that we celebrate Jo's engagement to Ric and her final day as a 'single' woman.

Damon is supposed to kidnap Ric later. He took Rowan with him because it was a 'guys' thing.

"I hope she likes it." Elena whispers.

"She'll love it." Bonnie assures.

"Are you kidding? She's gonna cry tears of joy for this.

"Wait, shh." I quiet them down as I hear footsteps round the corner.

"I just realized that tonight is my last shift as a single woman. I can't wait to marry you." Jo gushes. A peek around the wall was all I needed to see the cheesy smile on her face with a phone up to her ear.

A few more seconds and she hangs up.

"Ah. Here we go." I smirk back at the girls just as the 'cop' taps Jo's shoulder causing her to whirl around giving us the perfect opportunity to slip into the nearby closet waiting for our entrance.

"Dr. Laughlin?" The cop begins.


"I'm Officer Baker. Is there somewhere private we can speak?"


Their footsteps pass by the closet we're hiding in and over to the room next door.

"What's this about?" Jo asks.

"I'm here regarding Professor Saltzman. I understand you two are engaged to be married?" Baker continues.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, actually." Pause. "Everything is just right."

The music that follows is our cue. We rush out of the closet and into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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