Chapter Ten

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Damon, Stefan, and I are in Ric's office waiting for him to get the ascendant from Jo. My back has been aching a lot more these days and don't even get me started on the tenderness in my breasts. I mean, my breasts were large enough without the pregnancy, rocking a pair of D's. I don't need the extra heaviness.

I shift in my seat and groan, feeling my back protest once again.

Damon speeds over cutting his conversation with his brother short. "You okay? You need anything?"

I chuckle as I do every time he gets like this. "I'm fine, Damon. Just some back pain."

Stefan watches us with a confused frown. "Why are you so...protective?"

I glance at Damon in shock. "You haven't told him?"

He rolls his eyes. "We've been kind of busy since we got back, in case you've forgotten."

"Told me what?" Stefan interrupts.

"I'm pregnant. Been that way since 1992, only now it's picking up again and I don't even know how he's still...alive." I explain.

Stefan's brows climb up his forehead, mouth dropping open a little. "But, you're a vampire, right? We can't have kids."

I nod. "But, I'm not just a vampire. I'm also a witch. I guess I would be a hybrid, really."

"Because you're a witch, it allows you to have children?" He questions, intrigued.


His eyes widen in realization as he glances at his brother. "That's why you were so worked up when she saved you at the Gemini house."

Damon purses his lips with a nod. "She wasn't just putting herself in danger."

Stefan plops down on a chair. "Wow. A baby."

"I know." Damon finds a bottle of bourbon stashed inside Ric's desk. "Who would've thought." He hums.

Stefan's eyes stay plastered on my stomach, listening. "Whoa. I can hear the heartbeat."

"His." I correct.

He shakes his head slightly. "His." He repeats. "A boy. Congratulations." He gives me a nod.

"Thank you." I smile.

Before anything else could be said, Ric enters the office with the ascendant in his hand. "Here it is." He hands the device to Damon.

"Thanks, buddy." He smiles and hands him the tray with breakfast foods on it. "There you go." He begins to compel him again. "Go home to Jo. Be a good boyfriend and forget this ever happened."


Damon and I made it back to Ric's apartment without Stefan to go over a few details of the plan. I'm going to be the one who does the spell to get to the prison world to bring Bonnie back. It took a lot just to convince Damon to let me do it in the first place. He seems to be really protective of me lately ever since he found out about the pregnancy.

"Here we go." He hands me a jar of blood. "Bennett blood from one, Lucy Bennett."

"And that is...?" I place it inside the backpack we're taking.

"Oh, she was the one who was helping Katherine when she first got into town." He briefly explains. "Are you sure you can do this?"

I let out a deep sigh. "Yes." I assure.

"I'm just double checking. This is a pretty big spell, you and Bonnie had to do it together." He reminds me.

"It would be a lot easier, yes." I nod. "But, I can do this, Damon."

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