Chapter Five

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Damon walks into the kitchen to find Bonnie and I stuffing our faces.

"Shame-eating?" He teases.

"Thinking about that pregnant lady." She confesses. "You said she had a thing for pancakes."

"That's what you remember?"

"You remember it, don't you? You make pancakes every day." She shrugs.

"Cause I'm bored." He tries to brush it off.

"I believe the word is remorse." I place the empty dish in the sink. "You're punishing yourself for what you've done."

Bonnie mockingly gasps. "Maybe there's hope for you yet."

"Look, maybe Scar was right. We can steal that 'descendant' contraption, find out what Kai knows and we ditch him because he doesn't have any powers anyway." Damon offers.

Kai appears from around the corner. "Actually, it's not that simple."

Damon rolls his eyes with a groan. "You gotta stop doing that. It's creepy."

"Here's the thing: I have a killer effect on magic. I can't generate it myself but, I can consume it from others temporarily. My family called me an abomination. That hurt my feelings." He slowly makes his way towards Bonnie. In a flash, I place myself in front of her. "Fine." He grabs my wrist and it feels like he's literally sucking all of my energy out of my body.

Damon starts to moan in pain and the stove catches on fire.

"Stop." I grunt. "Kai."

"Okay, we get it!" Damon yells.

"You can see why my coven and I didn't get along." Kai smirks and stops whatever he's doing.

Damon rushes over and pulls me away from Kai, holding me against him by my arms. "I smell an ultimatum."

"If I consume Scarlett's magic, all of it, I'm gonna end up killing her. If we work together, we can all go home as friends. Or I can devour her magic, kill you three, and go home alone. What's it gonna be?" Kai tilts his head, his brown eyes glinting with malice. He heads over to Bonnie's plate and begins eating her pancakes.


It's the next day and the three of us are wandering in the woods waiting for Kai to show up.

"You're in a good mood for the first time this decade." Damon pokes her with the stick he was playing with. "Stop that." She smacks it away.

"Because I have a hot date with my girl tonight." He smiles.

"Yeah, assuming that Kai's telling the truth."

I tune out their conversation. I seem to be doing that the closer we get to leaving this place. I brought my bag with me and inside of it contains the ultrasound photo and a onesie that a friend gave me. Even though, I still had four more months to go, she told me I could never be too prepared.

I take a quick glance to see them still in conversation and duck behind a tree. Opening the zipper, I pull out the photo. Pure sadness fills my veins. My eyes begin to water and my hands begin to shake. Will my stomach finally deflate when I get back to the real world? Do I want it to? I have been with this bump since forever. Sometimes, I place my hands onto my stomach and close my eyes trying to see if I can feel or hear anything but, I never do.

I never will.

"Where's the sexy witch?" Kai asks, loudly.

I hastily wipe away the tears that unknowingly fell and shove the photo back into the bag. "I was trying to get away from these two." I nod at Damon and Bonnie.

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