Chapter Fifteen

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I posted 2 chapters today (14 & 15) Enjoy

Lily Salvatore was currently heating a kettle of water over the fireplace for tea.

"There was a time I marked days on a calendar." Once the kettle begins to cry, she removes it, moving over to the sofa across from Damon and I. She sets down the kettle and prepares the cups. "I gave up after a few years but, judging by your bizarre attire..." She trails off, eyes bouncing between Damon and I.

"Well, it's been a while." I smile, softly. Something about her seems familiar but, there's no way I would have ever run into this woman considering where she's been.

"Yeah, I would've come sooner but, I thought you were safe and sound in the family crypt." Damon smiles sarcastically. "My bad." He adds a shrug.

Lily begins to pour the tea into three cups. "I didn't think you would find each other again."

Damon and I frown at each other, confused.

"What do you mean?" Damon questions.

"She should explain it." She nods my way. "You tell him."

"Uh..." I trail off with a confused shrug. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Salvatore but, I have no idea what you're expecting me to say."

She stare for a minute, probably trying to gauge whether I was lying or not. When she realizes I'm telling the truth, she leans back slightly in surprise.

"You really don't remember, do you?"

I purse my lips, annoyed. "Why don't you tell me?"

She nods. "Very well." She brushes off the imaginary crumbs on her dress, shifting slightly. "You were one of us. The worst one of us. You killed without remorse or care for the people around you. Many times, I had to compel an entire group of people because you chose to feed in the middle of a crowd."

"I don't remember any of that." I shake my head slightly.

"You never thought to stop by after you died?" Damon interrupts, placing a hand on my back, thumb sweeping softly back and forth.

She looks down, ashamed.

"How did you end up here?" Damon asks, clearly getting the hint that his mother did not want to talk about it.

"It was October 31st, 1903. I had just arrived in New York Harbor. The night sky was alive with this beautiful shimmering light. And out of nowhere, this coven of witches attacked. When I woke, they were gone. Everyone was gone." She chuckles pitifully. "That night, the sky danced with colors again and it has done so every night."

"It's called prison." Damon grits his teeth. "You must have pissed off a lot of people." He removes his hand from my back to interlock his fingers, resting them in his lap. "You keep saying 'us'. Who's 'us'?"

"Your father must have been horrified to know you and your brother turned." She evades.

"He was." He nods. "And then, Stefan ripped his throat out."

Lily unexpectedly giggles loud and hard enough to spit some tea. She covers her mouth in embarrassment. Damon actually manages to smile a little.

"I apologize; that's cruel to laugh at but...good for Stefan." Damon nods in agreement. "I truly hated that man."

"Oh, I know you did." He grins, sarcastically. "So much so that you left your kids with him, faked your death, and then went out to join the ripper coalition." He stands, finished with the brief trip down memory lane. "Enough. Are you the only one here?"

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