Chapter Eight

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We're in Ric's hospital room. I think Damon is gonna guilt him into letting us stay at his place or something, I'm not sure but, he's currently messing with the buttons on Ric's heart monitor.

"I really don't think you should be playing with all of that stuff."

I glance over at the bed to see Ric sitting up.

"Keep going. We're on a roll. All the terrible things I did to people that Elena cared about." Damon mutters. "Let's see; I turned Caroline into my own personal blood juice box, I turned Matt's sister into a vampire and threatened to kill Bon-Bon a couple of times."

I mentally scoff. It's more than a couple.

"More than a couple." Ric speaks my thought aloud.

"Subjective." Damon counters. "Sometimes, I was being funny."

I chuckle and move over to the empty seat next to Ric's bed.

"And you killed Stefan's best friend at his birthday party." Ric adds.

"Wow." I give Damon a flat stare.

"Unfortunate coincidence."

"And then you snapped Jeremy's neck when Elena said she'd never love you."

"Seriously, Damon?!" I glare at him.

"You know, on second thought, let's focus on all the charming, heroic things you obliterated from her mind."

The guilt and regret could be seen all over his blue eyes. "God, if I could take it all back, I would."

"Damon, in his defense, you were dead. You weren't supposed to be coming back." I defend Ric.

Damon sighs and walks over to the bed. "I know. And listen, despite the fact that my long list of dastardly deeds involves killing you, I'm glad you're alive."

"Thanks, man."


Ric then turns to me with a confused smile. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Scarlett. Damon found me when he died. He came to where I was." I explain. "He told me about you and everything that's been going on while I've been...well, dead."

"Fun fact." Damon holds up a finger. "I was the one that killed her."

Ric squints his eyes. "And you're proud of that?"

"Well, no." Damon frowns. "Because I actually got to know her and she's not half bad." He shrugs.

Ric hums as Damon yanks the heart monitor off his finger causing the machine to flatline. The doctor from earlier, Jo, comes rushing in, pausing at the sight of Damon and I in the room.

"Good morning?"

"Hey. I don't know if it's a good time right now." Ric informs her.

"Just a heads up, doc. You're gonna be in high demand with a bunch of vampires who want to be human again if you could repeat that little healing trick that you did at the border with Ric last night." Damon speaks.

"Well, just a heads up but, saving Alaric's life was a matter of a treatable death wound, perfect timing, and a fear of losing the most interesting guy I've dated in a while adrenalin. One hundred percent unrepeatable, which is why you will tell no one." Jo raises a brow with a warning smile.

Damon purses his lips. "She's bossy." Ric hums in agreement. "I like her." He taps Ric who winces in pain.

Jo turns to Ric, her heartbeat rising just a little. "Do you have a nice suit and a clean pair of socks?"

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