Chapter Seventeen

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"What can I do for you, Love?" Enzo stood near the kitchen table, glass of bourbon in hand. In fact, almost all of the men have a glass of bourbon except for Matt and Tyler.

"What can you tell me about Augustine?"

His brows raise in surprise. "I thought you were going to crack and ask about the con artist."

"Con artist can wait. I thi-I think I had a memory."

His face grows serious. "Which one?"

I softly shake my head, my eyes roaming aimlessly around the room. "I don't know. I was in a cell with you and Damon across from me. There was this large scar down my stomach. You mentioned coming up with a plan to get Damon's mind off of it."

He nods slowly, licking his lips. "That was when we planned to get out of there. It involved me getting weak and Damon getting stronger."


"They only gave us a small shot of blood a day. They knew that's all it would take to keep us alive but also very weak. I gave Damon my rations every day. You would sometimes give me yours." He smiles softly.

"But why doesn't Damon remember and you do?"

His face drops. "There were these people that night. Three of them. I could hear their heartbeats from the cell. You and Damon were the only ones upstairs at the time. They were bringing me after because I wasn't as new." His brows furrow as his eyes begin to glaze over. "I could hear everyone chatting until suddenly, I didn't. Everything went silent, almost still.

"I could hear three people walking around and the cell open. At first, I thought someone was rescuing us." He scoffs. "I should've known better." He shakes his head slightly as if to snap himself out of it. "The cell closed and then the chanting started. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know if everyone was dying. I couldn't even hear Damon.

"They left and it stayed silent for a few more minutes. And then, everyone was chattering away as if nothing had happened. They came down to grab me and put me in the same cage as Damon. You were missing." He nods at me. "I asked him where you were and he looked at me as if he had no idea who I was talking about. Before anything else could be said, they pulled Damon out of the cage." He smiles tightly. "And then he escaped." He spoke bitterly.

"He just left you?" I frown.

"He had to turn it off first."

"Turn it off?"

"It's where you turn your emotions off, Love. You become emotionless and wreak havoc."

That same feeling that happened with Damon was happening again now. My head started to get fuzzy and my vision started to blur.

Blinking my eyes open, I can see myself in a mirror. I'm dressed in an old, red Victorian dress. Blood covers my chin and neck. My hair was wild and untamed. My eyes red and black veins beginning from my eyes and down towards my cheeks.

There was a dark smile on my blood soaked lips. A figure walks up behind me.

Lily Salvatore.

Her face held a stern look. As if she were my mother and she was disappointed.

"That was reckless." She rushes out, shaking her head. "You could've gotten us all killed."

My smile drops and an irritated look takes its place. "We were fine."

"Because Julian and I took care of it!" She explodes. "We cleaned up your mess! We're always cleaning up after you!"

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