Chapter Thirty-Six

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A/N: So a lot of you are messaging me about songs that would work awesome with this fanfic, and @EscapeToParadise pointed out that "Temporary Bliss" by The Cab is a perfect match. And I agree. So thanks Mare! (: And thank you to everyone reading and voting.

Please please vote!! (:

Chapter Thirty-Six

"Then don't be," I whisper before kissing her as soft as I can muster. I don't want there to be a sign of any need for sex between us. I want this kiss to make her see how I can make her feel. How I can make her forget about Aiden. 

I know I probably shouldn't be investing anymore of my interest or time into Veronica, but there's just this magnetic pull that I can't fight against. One glance at me with those brown eyes of hers always sends me off the edge. And the soft touch of her skin just drives me past insanity. I've truly lost my mind and I just don't care. 

If it's just a temporary bliss, I'm going to enjoy every single moment of it. 

Veronica pulls away from me but keeps close to me. She reaches down and grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. My heart beats at this small notion. It's not sexual, but it drives my body crazy. I love this Veronica, the one who holds my hand after kissing me. 

"What?" She asks, staring up at me. There's a small smile pulling at her mouth and I wish she would let it light up her entire being. 

"You're just so beautiful. I can't believe that I'm standing here with you."

"Harry, you have got to stop talking down to yourself like that. But, if we're being honest still, then yeah, I have to say that I'm pretty shocked as well. I'm glad it's happening though."

I brush my hand against her cheek and she leans into it. Who is this girl that makes me feel special and yet has a room full of pictures of guys? And which part of her is the one that Aiden has? The one that makes people feel special or the one playing a game? I don't know, but I can only hope that one day he won't have her at all. 

"Come on, I have to show you something," she says and leads me across the room. She turns and guides me to a section of the room that I didn't know existed. Instead of her room being a simple rectangular shape, it's more like an L. We go to the hidden portion and I see more things pinned up on the walls. Thankfully, it's devoid of any X marks.

"What is this?" I ask her, our hands still entwined. 

"Take a look," she says and lets go of my hand, motioning for me to look at the things on the wall.

The walls are covered with artwork that I'm assuming is her own doing. There's a range of paintings, drawings, and even pen sketches. A lot of them are just random scenery doodles, places that have captions written across the bottom. 

"Those are inspiration quotes," Veronica explains as I trace my finger across a quote that reads, "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

"Harvey Fierstein," I read the tiny scribbled name at the bottom of the page. 

"I came across that quote one day and just thought about how people treat you. I kept thinking about how I'd see you bullied every day and no one would stand up for you. I just thought that it was pathetic that there are all these people with the capability of helping another human being, and they turn it down. That's when I knew I had to make a difference in your life. I didn't want you to think that that's how life should be." Her words shock me and I turn to face her. She's got her hands wrapped around her stomach.

"Was this after or before you decided to add me to the Mockery pile?" I don't mean to ask it like a rude question, but mere curiosity. There's a difference to me.

"Before," she answers. "I don't see why that matters."

"It matters because you didn't have anything to do with me. There was no connection between us. No need to speak or communicate. To you I was just this guy who got beat up every day. It matter to me," I tell her. 

"But I didn't try to stop it when I saw it happening. I just stood by Aiden's side and watched like everyone else. That's what I'm trying to say to you Harry. I'm exactly like everyone else out there. I'm going to hurt you again and I don't think I can handle the guilt. I want to just not worry about the things I say or do around you. This Veronica, the one that you see in front of you crying, is not me." 

"I don't believe that. I refuse to believe that this isn't you." 

"Stop being so naive Harry! We met outside of a principal's office. I was smoking and we were both in trouble. That's the Veronica that I am. The one who smokes and parties and just doesn't care about people's feelings. The girl you're looking for is someone who will stand by your side and hold your hand in front of everyone to see. I can't be that person. I will not be that person."  

Her words sting, they really do. I mean, what else did I expect from her? This is enough, right? To have this Veronica here with me that makes me feel like the person she just described is real.

I shake my head. "I just want to believe that there is someone out there willing to care." 

"And I do care, I just can't care in a way that you need." 

I turn away from her and walk to the far wall. I don't want to talk about the person she is when in front of all her friends. I've witnessed that Veronica and she decided to care for me when they wanted to mess around with me. She led me away from even her boyfriend, a guy she says that she needs. 

But I know the truth. She cares about me. 

I stare at the wall in front of me and my eyes widen at the drawings. There are two pieces of art that I recognize immediately. One of them is the first drawing she had done of me when we were asked to draw with our eyes covered. It's a perfectly detailed drawing of the back of my head. I recognize the  perfect clothing and slicked back hair style. I sat with my shoulders hunched into myself, looking defenseless in a room full of people. 

The second drawing is the one she had done just a couple days ago, the one with different versions of myself. And in the middle of both drawings is an actual photo of me. It had been taken the first night she took me to Aiden's party and she made me change in to his clothes, the jeans that I'm actually wearing right now. I stare at the photo of me, noticing how scared I looked at that night. The flash caused my eyes to glow a weird red color and I look pale. It's crazy how much time went by between  then and now.

"Why do you have this on your wall?" I ask her, turning back around to face her. 

"I wanted to show you that I could see you when no one else could," she answers. 

I feel my heart in my chest, breaking for this girl in front of me with brown eyes that look as scared as I felt that first day in the photo. I walk towards her and she looks up. Why can't things be like this all the time? 

"I want you to know that I can see you too," I take her hands and rub my thumb across the top of hers. "No matter how hard you try to hide yourself from me, I want you to know that I see the real you. The Veronica that I've come to know is in there and I'll wait for her." 

Veronica's eyes fill with tears as she shakes her head slowly. "But you can't wait forever."

"No, I can't. But I can wait how ever long it takes to get to forever." Once I say it I know that I mean it with everything I have. I don't care how long it takes, I know that I'll have her.

I have to.

*A/N* Will do another update today if I get enough comments and votes! 

Also, if you have  song that you think fits this story, leave a comment of the name! 

Does anyone do or know someone who does trailers... xD

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