Chapter Three: A Heartfelt Confession Over Tea Because England

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That evening, after the events of Cassandra's death had been explained to her and she had had a shower to wash off all the sweat, Alex returned to the console room in search of the Doctor, mostly because she was bored and didn't want to go to bed like her sister had done. She found him in the console room, reading some information he'd gleaned from the Platform One archives. 

"Rose's gone to bed," he said without turning around. 

Alex nodded; she hadn't realised he'd heard her enter. "Yeah, I know." She looked over his shoulder, but he turned the screen off before she could read anything. She pouted, but he just shrugged. "I can't believe you had chips without me. That's just rude." 

He snorted. "We actually saved you some." 

Her eyes lit up. "Really?" 

"Really." He nodded. "They're in the kitchen." 

She bit her lip. "Oh, thanks. And that's... where?" 

"Three lefts, two rights, up the stairs and it's on your left," he replied, then straightened up as he remembered something. "Oh, and before you go, I wanted you to have this." He handed her a small black toolbelt. 

She blushed, taking it. "That's so thoughtful. Thank you." 

He shrugged. "Well, you know... You saved people's lives today. Especially Jabe's. So, er... That was good. Well done." 

"Thanks. Again." She made a face as he turned back to the monitor. "Actually, Doctor, I'm not sure I'll remember the way to the kitchen. You know me, terrible sense of direction." 

"Oh, well, I could take you there," he offered. 

She blinked. "I'm hinting for you to come and eat chips with me." 

At that, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Oh." 

"So... Are you taking the hint?" 

"I am taking the hint," he repeated, turning the monitor off and offering her his arm. When she took it, he smiled. "I love chips." 

She grinned. "Me too." 


Later, once they'd finished the chips, they'd made themselves cups of tea. Alex still had something on her mind. "Jabe called you a Time Lord. Is that like your species?" 

The Doctor nodded. "Yeah." 

"Oh. So do they all travel like you?" she asked. 

He swallowed, shaking his head. "They're all dead." He hesitated, but she just watched him, waiting for him to continue. "There was a war. The last great Time War, between my people and a race called the Daleks. It was a massacre. I had no choice. I..." He sighed. "I used a weapon to destroy the whole planet, wiping out Time Lords and Daleks alike. The Time War ended... and I was the only one left." 

She stared at him, and for a moment, he thought she would recoil in disgust. Instead, she put her hand over his, squeezing it. "It's okay, Doctor. You don't have to be alone anymore." 


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