Chapter Six: World War Three

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The monster loomed over them, its huge claws swooping down towards the secretary. The man cowered, but the blow never came. He looked up to see electricity arcing all over the creature, making it scream. Rose grabbed his arm, pulling him away from it, and the four of them ran for their lives.

Harriet stopped dead in the corridor. "No, wait! They're still in there! The emergency protocols, we need them!"

The creature roared, and heavy footsteps thudded towards them.

Alex's eyes widened. "Here's an emergency protocol for you: run!"

They ran, and the creature thundered after them. As they passed a lift, it opened, revealing the Doctor. "Hello!" he grinned, distracting the beast.

The quartet took their opportunity to hide, entering a sitting room. They split up, Alex going for the window seat, Rose hiding behind the drinks cabinet, Harriet and the secretary sheltering behind the room divider. They collectively held their breath as the alien entered.

"Oh, such fun!" the creature crooned, giggling. "Little human children, where are you?" It sniffed deeply. "Sweet little honeykins, come to me. Let me kiss you better. Kiss you with my big green lips." More footsteps entered. "My brothers."

"Happy hunting?" one creature asked.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweat and fear," another declared.

"I can smell an old girl. Stale bird and brittle bones."

"A young man, eager to impress."

"A ripe youngster, all hormones and adrenaline."

"And the child of metal. The scent of sweat and oil. The youngest of them all. Fresh enough to bend before she snaps."

One of the creatures ripped the curtains back, revealing Alex in her hiding place. She screamed, panicked, and headbutted the creature as the others burst from their hiding places.

"No!" Rose cried.

"Take me!" Harriet begged. "Take me first!"

The Doctor burst through the door and sprayed the aliens with CO2, buffeting them back. "Out, with me!" The others hurried to obey, Alex throwing the curtain over one of the creatures. The Doctor blinked, realising there were more of them than usual. "Who the hell are you two?"

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." She flashed her ID card.

"And I'm Indra Ganesh," the young man added.

The Doctor nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Indra replied. Together, the five of them ran from the room, leaving the aliens to recover.

"We need to head to the Cabinet Room," the Doctor decided, leading them back the way they had come.

"The emergency protocols are in there," Harriet agreed. "They give instructions for aliens."

The Doctor grinned. "Oh, Harriet Jones, I like you."

She beamed. "And I like you too."


When they reached the Cabinet Room, the Doctor stopped just inside, grabbing a decanter of port from the sideboard and pointing his sonic screwdriver at it threateningly. "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Woof, we all go up. So back off." The aliens stepped back into the outer office nervously, and he smiled. "Right then. Question Time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

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