Chapter 10

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I know this isn't the best book but it's something.
Thank you again, bye :)

"Ian! What the hell did you do to him!?" I yell at him, I see Dan on the floor gripping his stomach.
"You got another damn boyfriend! You replaced me that fast you fucking whore!" Ian yells even louder.
How am I a whore?

"I am not dating him Ian! Now tell me what the fuck you did to him!" I yell at him, I feel my eyes get watery as I said that.
Why do I always cry?

"I did something to him. Now why the fuck do you care if he's not your boyfriend Kate!" Ian yelled at me.

"We. Are. Not. Together. get that through your damn scull! Now wh-"
I was cut off by hearing Dan say my name.
"Katelyn, please help m-"
Then Ian kicked his side and I started crying more.
Dan did nothing to Ian to deserve this!

So I ran to Ian and pushed him to the floor, I got Dan to stand up, but he was bleeding to much from his side.
"Dan, please. Just be alright." I whisper to myself.
"Let go!" Ian yells from behind us, then he runs towards us.
"Kate, watch o-" Dan couldn't even finish his sentence because he was zoning out.
I just started crying even more, then I some girls turn the corner.
(they were probably walking to there room)
Then Ian ran off somewhere.

"HELP! Please." I yell at the two (2) girls walking over here.
"Dan, please st-" I was going to say something, but the girls ran over here and started yelling!
"Oh my - WHAT HAPPENED?!" One of the girls yelled.
"Just please take him to the doctor! He needs help now!" I yell/cry to them.
"Okay, Come on!" Another girl yelled.

~•~At Hospital~•~
*Three Hours At The Hospital*

The girls both left when we entered the hospital. So I've been waiting here patiently waiting for a nurse or doctor.

"Alright, Dan is in his room, he's recovering very well!" nurse Caitlin told me; since I was in the waiting area.
"Thank God!" I sigh.
"If he's doing any better he may get to go home in a day or two." She added.

"Um, excuse me nurse Caitlin, can I see Dan? Please?" I ask the nurse.
"Of course you can! He's in room forty five (45)!" She replied.
"Thank you so much!" I told her and walked off.

I think I like Dan...
I know how in most 'love' movies they meet in a day and are in 'love', but this is a crush?
Yeah just a little crush!
He probably doesn't even care for me, considering my ex nearly killed him!

I open the door, and see a sleeping Dan on the bed.
I grab the chair and place it next to the bed, and sit.
I grab his hand gently, and whisper
"I'm sorry Dan, I really am. I didn't want this to happen. I know you may hate me but Dan I think I may like you? Sounds stupid I know, but I just need to tell you- even though you can't hear me.I promise if you need help i'll be here for you." I whisper.

Then he woke up.

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