Chapter 13

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Dear Katelyn,

Well I heard you have another guy in your life. "Dan".

I've been watching you babe. Why did you leave me? What you waited for is this? Your "new life"

And one way or another, your coming back.

Selena and Anthony won't even notice. I'm still in New York, I'm actually near you at the moment.

I know you were at the hospital, for "Dan". Let me ask you something, is he better than me? Does he make you happy like I used to? Does he want kids, like me and you were suppose to have? Does he even "love" you? Or does he just feel sorry for you?

Kate, come home.

We can both start fresh, no more fighting, arguing, no more anything. Just love.

Please? I'm pretty sure Dan doesn't want to marry you. You know I would. Come on, we've been together for two years, and your going to act like nothing ever happened?

Kate, I know you better.

Selena and Anthony won't always be there to save you, I will try to help you.

We both need help, but please, come back and live with me.

I swear I will change, just for you.

I can't find another girl like you, you're special. I will NEVER find anyone that understands me like you do.

Kate, please. Love you baby!

P.S. I will be back, and things will happen.

-Love Ian

*****DONE READING*****

I feel sick right now. What do I do?

I open the apartment door, and run straight to my room ignoring Selena and Anthony.

I lock the door, (still holding the note) and just break down.

I lay on the bed crying, how can Ian say this to me?

He even said 'things will happen'.

I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me!

He already hurt Dan, what if he hurts Sel, or Anthony? Or even me.

*knock knock*

"Com-come in" I stutter and quickly get tissue and rub my eyes a bit.

I see Selena open the door and close it slowly.

"Kate! What happened?" She asked and ran next to me on the bed.

"I-Ian, is just being v-very, ugh! I just d-don't know what to do!" I tell her rubbing away all the tears coming down my face.

"Kate, stop crying! You're to pretty to cry. Now what happened with Ian? Did he go to the hospital?!" She says staring at me.

"N-No. He j-just wrote this and le-left it for me." I tell her, giving her the note.

She quickly reads it and put a hand over her mouth.

"Kate. This isn't good." She whispers.

"No shit! I'm fucking scared! I don't want him to hurt you guys!" I tell her and she quickly pulls me into a hug, I just start crying into her shoulder.

"Why does this have to h-happen to me?" I whispered to her.

"There's always a plan for everyone, just- calm down. Call Dan and tell him if you can stay over tonight. So if Ian comes we will tell him you left." Selena tells me pulling away from the hug.

"O-Okay. But what i-"

"No more what if's! Pack your clothes for tonight, and i'll walk you over there. Then tell Dan to call us when you want to come back."

"Okay Sel, thank you for helping." I tell her and stand up from the bed.

"That's what best friends are for! Ill go wake up Anthony and tell him that your leaving." She says and walks out my room.

All I packed was my outfit for tomorrow, pjs, and my blanket.


I can't forget my teddy bear.

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