Chapter 38

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Again I'm sorry- family problems are getting some-what better. So I'll probably update soon also.

Every Sunday I hope :)

Love you monsters, thanks for all of you caring people. You guys are fucking amazing. Xx ❤️(^з^)-☆






Two months - I don't see him for two months!

But when I do see him he's at the hospital!

what the fuck is happening?!

"I like this picture." Selena says.

When I look at Ian, he's staring right back.

We stare at each other for probably ten (10) seconds before he runs away from the window.

I really want to go run after him, but I can't.

"What just happened." I whisper to myself.

"So I'll see you all in the front then?" Mrs. Marbles says.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask.

"I'll explain to her, see you at the front Jen-Mrs.Marbles!" Selena says while the doctor walks out.

"She has the baby's picture! The one on the ultra scan thingy? She'll give it to us in the front! She already washed the jelly off you, but you were kind of zoned out." She says and I look down.

Well she is right the jelly is all off, and then I pull my shirt down.

"Hey are you feeling okay?" Dan ask me as I get off the hospital bed.

"Yeah feeling fine, why?" I reply.

"Oh you seemed spaced out and I thought you weren't feeling good." He says as we all start exiting the room.

"It's alright I'm okay Dan, promise." I smile as we held hands walking through the hallway.

"She's over there!" Anthony tells us and we go to the front desk.

"Hey hey! Is the picture ready?" Selena ask Mrs.Marbles.

"Of course! Here you go ma'am." She hands me the picture and I feel incredible.

Overjoyed knowing what a beautiful baby I have in my stomach.

I can't wait to see her/him.

"Amazing." Dan whispers while giving my hand a little squeeze.

"Aw! Kate it's so cute! We need to hang this shit up and frame it!" Selena squeals.

"Yes babe calm down!" Anthony tells Selena.

"I can't! I mean I'm going to be an aunt! Wait am I?"

"You know it, I don't have any sisters or brothers, so you'll have to be her/his aunt!"

"Yey!" She yells.

We stay in the waiting room talking about baby things and joking around.

As I turned to my left to see Selena- I see someone else- can you honestly believe who I saw?

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