Chapter 27

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I'm at a lost for words, I honestly can't say a word.

Speechless you can say.

I pull Selena's arm a bit and whisper "how?"

"Hey Dan! Um well I need to tell you something! Well, Katelyn really but I'll say it!" She says and I stare at her like she's crazy.

How do you say, 'hey Dan me and Ian did something and I might be pregnant! So I don't want you to leave.'

Like really.

"What do you mean?" Dan says with a smile.

'That soon will fade away' I thought.

"Let me say it, I mean I did it." I tell her and Dan stares at me.

"Dan, I feel awful for saying this but I just, I don't know how to say this."

He gently grabs my hands and looks my in the eyes.

"I'll just go." Selena says and leaves the room.

"Just tell me if you're comfortable." He whispers, we both sit on the bed staring at each other.

"We might have meet less than two weeks ago, but some how I'm really close to you. I know you're going to leave me if I tell you this. But the thing is I can't leave you. Dan you're very important to me and this will just make you leave."

I whisper, looking down at my lap as tears slowly fill my eyes.

I swear I Cry to much.......

"Kate I don't think it's possible for me to leave you. Like you said, you're very important to me." He tells me and slowly leans his head in, as I do the same.

We had a slow passionate kiss, I shouldn't be doing this!

I pull away slowly and see Dan smiling.

"Dan..........I cheated on you." I whisper.

"What?" He ask.

"I cheated on you. I feel like crap. I betr-"

"Kate it's okay." Dan says and looks at me.

The fuck?

"Dan are you not hearing me or something? I just said something bad?"

Dan just grabs my hand.

Why isn't he freaking out?!

This isn't right!

"Kate I heard you right. Am also pretty sure it was with Ian right?"

He says and I nod.

"See there you go. Me and you were going out, but it was never official."

I must be stupid, because I have no fucking idea what he's talking about!

"So you're saying it wasn't bad?"

"Well let's see. Katelyn will you be my girlfriend?"

Dan says and smiles.

How is he happy?! I'm not even going to start.

"Yes I would love to, and Dan will you be my boyfriend?"

He laughs.

"Of course! Now from here on out there is no more cheating or anything bad, get it now?" He whispers and let's my hand go.

I get what he's doing but does he not understand I might be pregnant with Ian's child?!

"Dan." I whisper and he looks at me while I stare at me shoes.


"I might be pregnant." I say and I feel his hand slip into mine.

"It's going to be okay, I'm not going anywhere." He says and I lean my head onto his shoulder.

"Dan how did I find someone like you? And how can you like a disappointment like me?" I ask/whisper to him and I feel his other hand go around my waist.

"You're not a disappointment, you're the best girl a guy could ever get. Sure you make mistakes, but who doesn't? And a guy like me? Well how can I find a girl like you again if I left?"

I turn to face him and smile.

I press my lips onto his and feel him smile.

We stayed kissing for a while, it was nice and I felt as if there was no drama for once.

But the door opens and we both stop, but guess who's at the door?


"Katelyn I thought you were going back?" Ian yells.

Ian starts walking closer to me and I see the anger in his eyes.


"I was going to go back but I had to talk to Se-"

He slapped me, right on my left cheek.

I put my hand up to my cheek and it burns!

I see Dan stand up and Ian looks mad as hell.

I feel hot tears rolling on my burning cheek.

"Dan don't." I whisper and pull his arm but he moves it.

Ian and Dan start fighting, I see fist being thrown, and blood drip onto the floor.

"Stop!" I yell, and both guys look at me.

"Ian I thought you changed." I whisper.

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