Chapter 35

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I've been really busy :(

I'm glad most of you like it :) makes me feel like I'm doing something right in my life :/

Okay enough of my shit;

enjoy my monsters :3



~One Month Later~

Things were actually normal for once!

I haven't seen Ian since the hospital which was about a month ago.

Me and Dan are still together and very happy.

Dans out of his little cast, well considering only his wrist was injured the most- lets just say he's fine now.

I'm having fun with Selena and Anthony, as much as I can.

My stomach has a tiny bump, but still not as noticeable.

Me and Dan were planning on going to the park today, just to walk around. It's just a normal Saturday morning.

It's perfect, it's August so all the leaves will be on the New York park. Then walking in the kind winds, nice.

Everything was pretty amazing in my mind, I don't know about anyone else but it's fucking amazing.

"Kate Dan's here!" Selena yells from the living room.

"Comin' " I yell back.

I slip in my vans and quickly put on my jacket.

I walk into the living room and see Selena and Anthony playing some game on the xbox, while Dan is standing by the door way.

"Hey Daniel." I say and walk up to him then hug him.

"Hey you." He says and pecks my cheek.

"Ready?" He ask me.

"Yup! Bye Selena, bye Anthony!" I yell.

"Bye guys!" Dan yells.

"Bye Kate, bye Dan!" They both yell.

It's creepy how well they know each other, so much they basically say the same thing.

We walk out the apartment and I close/lock the door.

He interlocks our hands as we walk over to the elevator. Time to go walking!


We get to the park and it's so, so peaceful.

There are people with there pets, couples walking and talking. Everything seems great.

We go on the path that takes us on a little walking trail.

"This is nice." I say and lean my head on Dan's shoulder.

"Yeah it is." He says and I feel him give my hand a little squeeze.

When we're walking I see a lady walking her pug, and let me tell you- it's fucking adorable.

"Dan look!" I say and he looks over to the dog also.

"It's cute." He smiles and I nod.

"I wanna pet it." I smirk- then walk a bit faster and Dan just follows along.

I walk up to the lady and she looks like she's in her thirties (30) or so.

"Hey, can I put your puppy?" I ask and she nods then smiles.

"Of course."

I pet the dog and smile.

It's so adorable and soft! Aw, wish I had a dog like this.

After what feels like a minute or so I stop petting the dog.

"Your dog is so adorable!" I sequel and she laughs.

"Well thank you! There having an 'adopt-a-dog' thing at the Ramon Park! I got this pug about two days ago." She smiles.

"Dan can we go check it out?!" I whisper to him.

His eyes go wide, and I give him my best puppy eyes.

"Do you know if they are still there?" I ask her.

"Um, I think Tuesday is there last day for the adoption." She tells us.

"Please Dan!" I say and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Fine!" He says and I basically jump up and down!

"Yeah!" I say and they laugh.

"Well thank you for telling us! Have a nice day!" I tell her and she nods.

"No problem! See you around." She smiles and continues walking her dog.

"Dan that park is a block away, let's go!" I say and he smiles.

"Let's go then."


We make it to the park and oh fuck- I'm happy!

There are dogs everywhere!

I look around and just feel something.

I don't get a good vibe, but maybe I'm just a bit sick right now? Yeah, you know babies make you kind of sick.

Why am I thinking so much, I need to have fun.

"Dan look at those!" I say.

"Oh! Look at tho-"

I look over at Dan and he is just frozen.

His hands get a bit sweaty, and he won't blink!

"Dan? Hello Dan?" I say and move my hand in front of his face.

"Babe we need to go. Now." He says.

He is pretty much pulling me away from the park.

We are three blocks away from the house! Why does he want to leave now?!

"Dan! What happened!" I yell and pull my hand out of his grip.

"Kate we need to go home it's not safe here."

"What the fuck are you talking about! We were fine two minutes ago!" I reply and he balls his fist up.

"Kate someone is in the park. I really don't want to see them and so don't you, so I suggest we go back home or we can go to another park."

He looks like he has many emotions going on.

Mad/ angry/ sad and much more.

"Dan if you don't feel safe then let's just go, we can always come back later." I say and he loosens his grip on his hand a bit.

"Okay, because that person isn't coming near us." He whispers.

But all I can think about as we were walking home was : who was he talking about?

Am I Just A Memory?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon