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The line rang four times before Johnny heard Paige's voice, "Hello?"

"Hey, why haven't you texted me back?" He huffed.

"Sorry, I'm at work. I just went on break. What's up?"

He felt bad for badgering her, "Uh, can you--would you like to go to my game tonight with Amber and Viv?"

She smiled, "I'd love to. I get off at around 5, when does the game start?"

"Seven. But I have to be at the rink soon. Is there any way I can get the tickets to you?"

"Amber is off today. I can have her pick them up in a few minutes if that's fine with you."

"Yeah. That's fine with me. I'm sure Sean will be fine with it too." He laughed.

She chuckled on the other line, "I'll text her right now. See you tonight. Do I wear Gaudreau merchandise?"

"You can wear whatever you want," He thought it was silly of her to ask if she should wear his shirt, but at the same time, it was a totally Paige thing to ask.

"Okay. I gotta get back to work. I'll catch ya later."

They hung up and Paige texted her group chat.

Flames game tonight at 7
Amber can you pick up the tickets from Johnny at their house please? 😇

Amber 👩‍❤️‍👩
Anything for you 😘

ur an 👼🏻

Viv 👼🏼
thought I was the angel here 🙄


Amber threw on a sweatshirt and leggings, throwing her hair up into a bun and heading to Johnny and Sean's apartment. She hadn't seen Sean since the night of the party, and in some kind of weird way, she wanted to see him again badly. This was her strange opportunity from the universe to see him again. She parked her car, took the elevator up to the sixth floor, and made her way to their apartment. She knocked three times, waiting for someone to open it. Amber didn't know whether she wanted Johnny to open the door or Sean. She wanted to see Sean, but she didn't want to see him at the same time.

She was caught up in her own thoughts when the door swung open and Sean was standing tall in front of her. He was wearing a dry-fit shirt that said "FLAMES HOCKEY" on the front, with black basketball shorts. "Amber, hey." He smiled.

"Hi, Sean!"

He motioned for her to come in, but she felt so dizzy around him she wanted to just leave. "No, thanks," she said, "I just needed to get the tickets for tonight. I have some errands to run." She lied. She had been watching 90210 on Netflix all day, and had no intention to stop. She just didn't want to sit down and talk to Sean.

He looked disappointed, "Uh, okay." He disappeared out of sight for a few seconds and came back with three tickets, "Here you go. I'll see you tonight!"

"Yes you will." She smiled and turned around to leave. As she was reading the tickets, she saw a small post-it note attached to one of them. Scribbled on it was Sean's number, and a note that said, "Dinner after the game?"

Amber tried to hide her excitement. This strange opportunity turned into a golden one.


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