Chapter 1

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Jonathan's POV

"God damn it Vanoss what is with you and blowing up my car?!" I laughed and yelled at Vanoss while playing GTA V
"The explosions are fun to watch tehe" he laughed

"Haha well it's getting late everyone I should probably get going to bed now it's been a long day" I said while rubbing the back of my neck

"Aww right now?" Vanoss said in a baby voice

"Yes now haha bye Even bye Craig I'll talk to you both later" I said quitting the game

"Byeeee" said Vanoss

"See ya latter" said Craig

Ahh finally piece and quiet. I grabbed some pizza that was in the box next to be. I really hate leaving the guys, I have so much fun. Expesiallly with Evan... *buzzz, buzzz, buzz*. Speaking of Evan...

~over text~

Evan: Hey Jonny I logged of and came to say goodnight to you, you big Asshole lol

Jonathan: YASSS

Evan: aha.. So I herd your birthday was coming up soon?

Jonathan: Yupers the big 24!

Evan: haha I'm 2 months older then you haha!

Jonathan: hey! Only 2 months bitch! Haha

Evan: lmao I know. So you doing anything special for your birthday?

Jonathan: naww. Probably order some pizza maybe buy a few bears and just have a night to myself you know? *waits 3 min*

Jonathan: Evan? 'Sent 10:47 pm'

Jonathan: Hello?? Evan where are you?? 'Sent 10:50 pm'

Jonathan: Evannnnn I missed youuuu come back :((( 'sent 10:54 pm'

Jonathan: Evan stop playing come back I'm getting worried now!! :,( 'sent 11:11 pm

Jonathan: come on its 11:11 I made my wish make yours!! :,( hello??? 'Sent 11:11 pm'

Evan: hey sorry I ended up falling asleep on you :(


Evan: I'm sorry I'm sorry... You still love me ahaha xD

I absolutely turned red when he said that... My face looked like a tomato. It took me a bit to respond to him but I eventually did

Jonathan: lmao goodnight Evannnnn "love you" XD

Vanoss: aha goodnight ;)

Oh how I went so red. I've never been more red in my life. I need to get my mind off things and just go to sleep so I put on some songs and slowly drifted off to sleep... I maybe tomorrow
will bring food things...

Hey guys I know this is a short chapter but the next ones WILL be longer i'm going to try and upload a new chapter every day so please stay tuned and let me know what you think in the comments thank you guys and have a nice day! -Salena

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