Chapter 16 - mistake

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Evan POV

~one week later~

Jonathan and Samantha have gotten really close over the past week. They have been going to coffee everyday. They invited me to go but I refused the offer. I mean I can't really complain about the part where Jonny still acts the same around me and shows his love for me. I mean I don't hate Samantha I just wish she never met Jonathan... I know that sounds a little mean but there always together talking and having fun. Does Jonny have feelings for her?...

Jonathan's POV

"Okay well I think I'm gonna go home now and call it a day. Evans probably worried about me" I said standing up

"Aww come on! It's not like you too love each other" she said laughing. What she said made me upset a little. I did love Evan I really did but I don't know how to tell her that. I just laughed along for now

"Hah well uh, it's been a nice day" I said

"Well I know it's a little dark out already but wanna talk for 5 more minutes at the fountain like we usually do?" She replied

"Yeah sure" I said walking out of the coffee shop. Maybe I should tell her I'm with Evan at the fountain...

Evans POV

It's really late... Jonathan should be home by now. I'm getting extremely worried and he won't answer his texts. I should go to the coffee shop and check on him aka see if he is there. So I started walking to the coffee shop

Jonathan's POV

"I had a really fun day, just like the other days haha" she said

"I have to tell you something" we both said at the same time

"Oh sorry you go first" I said rubbing my wrist

"Okay... Look Jonny I-I... I have feeling for you not just friends or best friends... I like you... A lot" she hesitated running her hand up and down her arm

"Oh I uh.. Well what I wanted to tell you was I actually have feelings for E--" once again I got cut off by Samantha kissing my on the lips. I tried to pull back but she wouldn't let me! I loved Even! Not her! I rapped my hands on her arms as to pull me of her when I look to the corner of my eye and my heart dropped and felt my whole life drop to my feet, there was Evan standing there with hopeless, watering eyes looking into mine... I pulled away. No...

"Evan! Evan please it's really not what it looks like I promise!" I said feeling sick to my stomach

"Jonathan... I-I... I knew it." He said with tears in his eyes and that was it. He ran off and I had to knowledge of where he was going. Why me?...

"Samantha what is wrong with you!" I yelled at her

"Jonathan what just happened?!" She yelled back "It's not like you love him!"

"Yes I f**cking love him! he is my boyfriend Samantha! I'm gay!" I argued back "thank you Samantha! Thanks a lot!" And before I knew it I was running. I didn't give her a chance to speak, I couldn't control myself I was bursting into tears and they kept coming. I needed to call him. Maybe he will answer. I called Evan 7 times and he didn't pick up his phone. I could understand why. He thought I was in love with Samantha when I'm really in love with him! But would he believe that in this situation? I was running and running for half an hour calling out  Evans name but no replies. Where did he run too? How far did he run? What is he doing?

Evans POV

I knew It! I knew Jonathan had feelings for that piece of shit! That's what the voices were telling me!... It can't be true can it? I can't be! I kept running and I didn't know where I was going. I couldn't go back to the house and I already knew Jonathan would come looking for me but I didn't care, I didn't care what he has to say or do. I didn't know what to think at this moment but my body kept running and running until I saw a park bench with one street lamp. Everywhere else was dark. I checked my phone and saw I had 7 missed calls and 16 messages from Jonathan. I didn't care, I didn't call back or message him back for that matter. I just sat down on the bench for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes I just stared to cry my eyes out. I was heart broken. I didn't know what to think. I love Jonathan with everything I have and I've always loved Jonathan ever since we met. Seeing what I saw made me so confused, scared and heart broken. How could he?...

Jonathan's POV

"Evan?! EVAN?! Please come out where ever you are! I tried to push her away but she was too strong I couldn't!" I shouted "please Evan! I need you..." I whispered

Oh why me why now? Evan please I need you more then anything right now. I never waned to kiss her. I want to kiss you. Only you please Evan come out... I found the nearest wall and flopped down on the wall, curled up and loudly sobbed in my knees.

"Evan" I repeatedly cried "w-what have I done? How will Evan ever believe that what I did wasn't true? I never liked her noir will I ever! I love you Evan... I'm sorry..." I started talking to myself "I've lost so many people in my life... I can't lose Evan... Evan means the world to me, he is my world..." My anxiety is kicking in really hard. I'm starting to feel suicidal...

Evans POV

I sobbed for another 10 minutes and stopped by the sound of another person down the street. I walked about the corner and in the distance I could see a man in a blue hoodie sobbing and laying down on the ground, then I realized that it was Jonathan... I wanted to walk over there and slap the f**k out of him but kiss his at the same time... He looked like he was sleeping from all this. I stood there for another 5 minutes and just watched him. I didn't care any more and I walked the opposite direction when I was stopped with a voice in the background yell "Evan!"  I turned around and saw Jonathan shoot up from laying on the ground. I went to go run away but I was stopped by a person who had pointed a gun up to my head. I couldn't see who it was cause it was too dark. Oh no...

Ohh! Big cliff hanger! What's did you think about this Chapter? I'm not spooling anything but Jonathan's gift is coming up soon... Lemme know what you think and enjoy!

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