Chapter 9

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Jonathan's POV

~at home~

      Me and Evan were home now from the hospital. It's been a month since he has visited me and he has never left... That's also because I won't let him hehe. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner and Evan was watching Dead Pool in the living room

"Hey Jonny?" He called from the living room

"Yeah what's up?" I called back

"Wanna go and okay Gmod Later with Mini, Wildcat, Moo and Basically?" He said

"Yeah sure I'm finished anyway you can take the food up to your room and I'll take my mine to my room" I said brining my plate and his plate

"Thanks Jonny" and he went to his room and I went to mine

~10 minutes later~

Vanoss: Heyyy guys wasss uuupp?

Moo: hey Vanoss hey Delirious

Jonathan: hey guys

Wildcat: he-he-heyyyy

Mini: Ayee

Vanoss: let's play!

~37 minutes later Cartoonz joined~

Cartoonz: hey guys what's up

Everyone: heyyyy

Cartoonz: haha hey guys, Delirious I tried calling your phone and you weren't answering know I know where you are aha

Delirious: oh uhh sorry Cartoonz what was it you were asking for?

Cartoonz: oh I was just wondering if I could stop by your house for a bit I'm bored as hell and I wanna check out your Dead Pool statue

Delirious: um I don't think that is a very good idea

Wildcat: aww why delirious? You got your little boyfriend over?

Vanoss: Hey Wildcat you really gotta stop that's it's really not funny

Wildcat: oh sorry Evan I didn't think that you were trying to defend your boyfriend

Moo: guys stop! This is not a good way to be solving a situation like this!

Mini: yeah guys not cool

Cartoonz: wow I'm sorry if I um ruined something I'll just um go

*Delirious logs of*

Mini: great job Wildcat you made him log of!

Wildcat: it wasn't my fault!

~over text with Jonathan and Cartoonz~

Luke (Cartoonz): Hey Jonathan you okay?

Jonathan: yeah I'm fine

Luke: no your not, come on dude... Is it about you and Evan? That's thing about you too you told me about?

Jonathan: yeah he ended up surprising me and it's been a little bit over a month and we... Kissed.

Luke: hey hey Jonathan it's aight. I honestly didn't think it would go that far

Jonathan: well I did and I don't know how I'm gonna come out to the rest of the boys and all the subscribers

Luke: is okay. If the guys and your subscribers really care about you they will accept the fact that you and Vanoss are...

Jonathan: Gay? Yeah it's cool to say that

Luke: aight thanks.

Jonathan: and yeah I guess your right thanks for talking to me Luke

Luke: no problem man. But you do gotta come back sometime I miss beating your ass at Mortal Combat XD


Luke: I will get there! Ahaha xD okay well u gotta go now Jonathan see you later

Jonathan: okay bye dude talk to you later

      I turned off my phone and walked to Evans room to see if he was still playing and noticed he wasn't there. I looked all around the house and couldn't find him so I decided to go check in the backyard and lucky enough I found him there.

"Hey Evan?" I said quietly tapping his shoulder

"Oh... Hey Jonny" he said sadly

"Hey w-what's wrong? Is it because of what happened online?" I said sitting 30 cm away from him

"N-no" he stuttered

"I know when your lying. look in really sorry Evan this is all my fault I ruined our... Relationship. This is why I always got bullied in HighSchool everyone F****** hated me! I-I-I gotta go in sorry!" I yelled as Evan looked at my with tears streaming down his face

"Wait! No! Jonathan come back please! It's not your--" I cut him off by jumping the backyard fence and running off

I ran and I ran and u didn't know what I was going I had no control over myself! I was having a panic attack I love Evan Fong and I felt like I ruined everything between us! That night we kissed we had a lot to drink it was a mistake he doesn't love me and he never will! I was 100% sober 5 minutes ago now I'm triggered! Im going to that secret garden! I'm losing my mind! What do I do?! Evan! I need you...

Evans POV

He just ran! His eyes were red from all the tears and I felt so bad! Jonny was horrible for Anxiety attacks and panic attacks and he felt it was all his fault! Ugh it isn't tho! It's all my fault! It it wasn't for me coming down and surprising him non of this would of ever happened! Oh god where could he be? I would never be able to find him! It's dark and this is a big neighbourhood... But I have to! I love him! I can't let him be there in his own it anything were to happen to him I would be lost... Hopeless... Destroyed... Jonny here I come! I yelled to myself and hopped the fence to find him!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting at all! I've been extremely busy with homework and I've had a lot of depression lately but here ya go I know it's really short but ur next one will be much longer! Lemme know what you think and enjoy reading! -Salena

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