Chaper 10

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Jonathan's POV

After 30 minutes running and running I finally got to that secret garden place. I ran inside the cabin and sat in a corner where a nice tune of light shined through. It was really quite, nice, peaceful yet uncomfortable... It was cause Evan wasn't here. I didn't have his strong muscular arms rapped around my neck. I didn't have his soft hands wiping away my tears telling me it would be okay when nothing is really okay. Nothing is without him. I wanted him, his body, I wanted him here but I feel I would screw everything up like I always do. That's why my mask is on. Some people wear smiles, others wear happiness and I wear... A mask

Evans POV

"Jonny? Jonny!" I called out for over half an hour "Jonny please! It's not your fault! it never was please!" I yelled out "I need you..." I whispered

"Hello? Jonathan please come out" I said starting to get quieter and quieter until I heard a squeak from the back of my ear. The cabin! Of course! I slowly enter the path to get to the Cabin. As I got closer and closer to the cabin I heard soft cries and whimpers. I know that soft cry anywhere. It's Jonny. I slowly walk inside to see Jonathan hugging his knees in the corner of the cabin. I ran over to him

"Jonny!" I said loud yet faint "oh Jonny please don't run away like that, it's not your fault it never was please listen to me" I said sitting beside him rapping my arms around his waist. It took him a bit till he finally rapped his arms in a tight squeeze around my neck, holding my head which was deep in his shoulder. He started to sob even more then before which made me burst out into tears. I took about maybe 5 minutes before anyone could say anything until...

"You mean so much to me Evan" said Jonathan more quiet then a flap of a butterfly's wing

"Oh Jonathan then you have no idea what you mean to me" I replied. We pulled back from our tight hug

"What happened at the hospital... We had a lot to drink... Did you?... Fell anything special when we kissed?" He said looking down at his feet

"Jonathan, want me to he honest with you?" I said lifting his chin up with my thumb

"Yes please" he said looking into my eyes

Without saying anything I pulled his chin in and kissed his soft lips, running my fingers through his hair. He rapped his arms around my neck and I rapped mine around his waist. I felt something I hadn't felt in all my life. Love. I looked him in the eye as a pulled back

"Yes" I said as my face started to turn completely red

"Evan... I-I love you so much" he said crying tears of joy "I didn't want to ruin anything I had feelings for you for a while now and I'm proud to say that I love you will all my heart" he said turning red

"Oh Jonny you will never know" I said pulling him in for another kiss. I m also proud to say I love Jonathan

~45 minutes later~

Jonathan's POV

After all that me and Evan finally got up to walk back home hand in hand. I felt really bad about what I did but I had no control over anything I did. I'm sorry Evan...

"Evan? Look I'm really sorry I don't think you have any ide-" I got cut of my Evan saying "Jonathan, please don't worry about that. You really worried though. I can't stand not having you bye my side it breaks my heart" he said gripping my hand tighter

"I'm sorry Evan, I-I love you" I whispered

"I love you to Jonny" he replied

~time skip 1 week later~

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