Chapter 18

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Evan POV

"NO! DONT YOU DARE TELL ME THAT!" I shouted the doctor in his office

"Mr Fong please calm down" he replied

"How can I calm down when my f**king boyfriend who saved my life have Amnesia!" I yelled

"I'm sorry Mr Fong. He is going to be waking up in the next 2 hours or so. I can let you in the room but he won't remember you or anything that's going on" He said writing some stuff on his clipboard

"This can't be happening... Why me! Why now! I should've been me god dammit! It should've been me!" I shot up out of my seat and threw the chair across the room

"Security, please come to room 229 I have a situation here, thank you" he said to his ear piece

"Oh so now what! Your gonna lock my up in a pillow room with a straight jacket?! Just put me in Jonathan's room please!" I started to cry

"No no we can't put you in a pillow room. Take these pills and you may go on the room with Mr Dennis" he said handing me some pills

"And what are these exactly?" I questioned

"There to just help you calm down Mr Fong. Don't take anything to personal" he said as I took the pills from his hands

"Okay whatever" I said taking the pills with the cup of water I got earlier. After I took the pills the security men came in and directed me to the room that Jonathan was in.

They put me in and left the room. I looked over at Jonathan and he didn't look to good. It will definitely sad knowing that he won't recognize me. Nor will he recognize anyone. I'm DJ t wanna lose you again... I'm sorry... Everything is my fault...

~time skip~

I ended up falling asleep in the small couch that was in Jonathan's hospital room was in. I opened my eyes a little and could see him sitting up reading a book

"Jonathan!" I shouted at a ran over to him sitting on the bed with him. He moved back.

"Do I know you?" He gave me a weird look

"You do but... Never mind" I said getting off the bed

"I pretty sure I have no idea who you are, why are you in my room? Stalker" he said putting his book down

"Jonathan please! I'm Evan! Your boyfriend you have to remember me" my voice got higher

"Ew dude what the f**k? I'm not this 'Jonathan' you speak of and I'm definitely not your boyfriend! Doctor! Help I don't know this man!" He called out while using the help button

Jonathan's POV

~time skip to Jonathan's house~

"Are you sure this is where I live?" I didn't even look at him

"Yes. I basically live here too" he replied

"Whatever. Just don't get to comfortable" I said getting out of the car

He didn't say anything and went straight up stairs to his room and shut it behind him loudly. I almost feel bad about everything but I don't at the same time. Maybe ill apologize later or something. In the meantime I think ill make myself a snack with whatever food is in this house that is supposed to be mine. About an hour has passed and Evan hasn't come down from his room. I couldn't hurt to at least go see what he is doing. I walked up the stairs and looked for the room he was in. I found it on the far end of the hallway and knocked on the door and didn't get a response. I felt a little bit sneaky at that moment so I decided to walk in without permission. 

"Evan?" I called out

Evans POV

 "Evan?" I heard a voice call out from my door

"O-oh sorry I was just heading to bed" I said closing my computer screen. I was on Jonnys YouTube channel watching videos we made together and playing with our other friends. My eyes were watering from the crying I was doing and he watched me wipe them away

"were you crying?" he questioned

"n-no something just flew in m-my eye is a-all" I stuttered my words 

"oh uh okay, well im going to go to sleep now so ill see you in the morning I guess" he said walking out of the door 

"see ya" I mumbled under my breath as he walked back. It felt weird sleeping in my own bed because I would usually sleep with Jonny so I crawled into bed anyway and stared up at the ceiling. I could see Jonny close his door through the crack of mine. I sighed as I turned over onto my side slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep. I wonder what Jonny is thinking about? I wonder if he still loves deep down inside his heart. He has to somewhere, he has too...

Jonathan's POV

      I came back from the bathroom and closed my door behind me as I entered my room. I crawled into my bed and something didn't feel right. It felt really empty like I needed someone there with me but I just shook it off as I stared at the ceiling. About 45 minutes later passed and I still couldn't sleep. I noticed my laptop sitting on mt desk across the room from me so I went to go have a look to see whats on it. I log onto my computer and uprising didn't have a password on it. I had a tap open with  my Twitter on it. I looked at my profile and saw I had more than 1 million subscribers. woah, I had a lot of people who liked me. In my bio I had a link to my YouTube channel witch I clicked on and saw I had more then 7 million subscribers! Holy shit I had a lot of people that actually liked my videos.  I saw Evans channel and he had more then 14 million! And I thought I had a lot of subscribers. I looked through the videos ive made and didn't remembered playing any of them witch was really weird. I looked through more of my videos and saw that I actually played games with him. I clicked on one to start watching one. It was me and Evan playing something called Gmod. We were laughing and having a really good time. A tiny smile escaped my lips and I turned off the computer laying back down on my bed. I really don't remember I did anything with him. I have this really weird feeling in my stomach when I think of him. I don't know what it is but its not a bad feeling and that is what I don't understand. I looked at my watch to check the time and noticed the watch on my hand. It looked like a picture of me and that guy with are colors everywhere. I smiled and I don't know why. I sighed shortly after and turned around on my side and started to fall asleep. I have so much questions and thoughts. Maybe a good nights sleep will help... Just maybe...


Hey guys I really do apologize for not posting! ive been going through a lot of stress, anxiety and depression lately and I haven't been feeling really good so please bare with me! Ilygsm and I will have the next chapter up sooner than you think! bye hope you enjoy! :)


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