Chapter 12 - Christmas

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Evan POV

I made sure to wake up extra early today. Sadly Brian had to leave early this morning. He had a family emergency and I completely understand that. Arlan also has to leave. He promised his family he would be spending Christmas with them this there which I also understand. I roll over too see Jonathan laying there so peacefully I didn't wanna wake him up so I was really quiet. I went downstairs and started preparing breakfast for me and the guys. It was Christmas obviously so I made Pancakes, bacon and sausages.

~30 min later~

Everyone was still sleeping but I didn't wanna wake them. I placed all the plates on table along with toppings and condiments and drinks of course when I heard a hard thud! I ran upstairs and into Jonathan's room where I heard the thud

"Ouch" said Jonathan who was laying on the floor rubbing his head. I admit it was pretty funny to see Jonathan laying on the floor I'm assuming he fell of the bed

"J-Jonny?" I tried saying without laughing

"Haha very funny I know I laughed at first" he said holding on his laughter. I grab his hand and help him up

"Oh look who is in his boxers" I said blushing a little

"Oh shut up you know you like it hehe" Jonathan snickered

"Can't deny it" I said grabbing his cheek with my hand. I pulled him in for a kiss and pulled back after saying to come downstairs. Me and him both can downstairs as he looked at everything I did for him and the guys

"E-Evan you really didn't have to do this..." He said hugging me

"Yes I did, I wanted to. Anything to make you happy makes me happy" I said "I love you" I whisper just in case any of the guys are up

"I love you too" he whispered back

"Evan? Jonathan? Are you guys downstairs!" I hear David yell from the top of the stairs

"Yup I made breakfast gather the guys up and come down" I Yell back

"Yay!" He yelled as he went and gathers the guys together. Me and Jonathan went down stairs and 10 minutes later everyone else came downstairs and all sat around the table

"Hey everyone, and thanks Evan for this amazing Christmas breakfast" said Brock as well as everyone else

"Don't mentions it guys. It was the least I can do, so now let's dig in!" I said saying a prayer then digging into my food. I think we all had a really good time together so far

Jonathan's POV

      I was amazed at what Evan had did for me and the guys. Everyone is at my house yet Evan is doing all the work. I have to repay him some how. He has done so much for me and now it's time to return the favour

~35 minutes later~

"And those are the last of the dishes cleaned!" Said Evan looking happy

"Aww you did the dishes? Thank you so much Ev!" I lifted my mask pecked his lips quickly before any of the guys saw they still don't know fully I guess about me and Evan

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