Chapter 19

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Evans POV

I looked at my alarm clock. It read 5:37 am. I usually don't wake up at this point in the morning but I ended up getting out of bed anyway. I walked downstairs to make myself some breakfast, not even bothering to look at Jonathan's door, when I saw him sitting on the couch, in the dark, with his knees tucked in and a blanket around him. He was watching something on the TV I wasn't quite sure about. I glanced over at him and was about to enter the kitchen to go get some food when I thought he might not want me to eat his food knowing he doesn't even remember me or anything about me.

"O-oh uh good morning I think ill just go get some breakfast if you maybe wanted to come and ill pay for us" I said as I was about to walk to the door and put on my shoes

"n-no im okay ill just make myself something here" he replied

"okay well ill see you later, ill be at Johns Breakfast Place" I said as I put on my shoes and walked out of the house and into my car. I drove off and got there 10 minutes later. I got out of my car and into the restaurant to get my food. 5 minutes later I got my food and sat down at a table too eat. It felt weird again not having anyone with me to eat. I tear rolled down my face as I was thinking of how me and Jonathan would do everything with each other. It made start really crying. there was only about 3 or 4 people here cause it was so early in the morning. I guess a little girl saw me crying after she came out of the bathroom and approached me.

"hello sir are you okay?" she asked in a sweet little tone

"o-oh hello little one. Yeah im fine I just got something in my eye is all" I said wiping away my tears

"my mommy said that when someone cries they got there heart broken" she looked at my and put her hand on mine

"no... well my heart is not necessarily broken, its just that someone I care about very much is having some 'problems' right now and im not sure if things will ever be the same between us" I replied

"don't feel sad mister, mommy and I cry all the time. My daddy was in a very terrible accident and now he doesn't even remember me or mommy. He is sitting there right now" she pointed to the table where her mother and father were sitting at "mommy and I are trying hard to make him remember us again. We think its working and I know things will get better. I know things will get better with you and your friend. I have to go now but don't give up, bye bye!" she said as she skipped back to her table

"thank you so much" I quietly say as a huge smile spreads across my face. I had no words. She had the same thing happen to her what happened to me... Don't give up Evan. Don't give up...

Jonathan's POV

45 minutes have passed and Evan still hasn't come back yet. Im getting worried and I don't even know why. I've already gotten up off the couch and dressed and was watching a movie on Netflix. when my phone buzzed

<over text>

Evan: hey um ill be back in 10 just driving home

Jonathan: oh okay ill be here on the couch I guess

Evan: okay

<end of text>

Evans POV

10 minutes have passed and I pulled into the driveway, turned off my car leaving the radio on and just sat there for second. I was staring out the window when Secret Love Song by Little Mix came on and I started crying to the lyrics

"Jonathan... I love you more than anything and I want you to love me again..." I said to myself as the tears continue to run down my face

Jonathan's POV

      I looked through the a small crack through the blinds in the window at the front door. I saw that Evan was in his car with his music really loud. He looked like he was crying and I definitely knew he was. I kept looking at him and tear rolled down my eyes.

"W-what? Wait... Why am I crying?" I say to myself wiping them away. As I was wiping them away I looked a my wrist and saw the watch again and smiled. I feel like I have feelings for this guy... Like big feelings. It felt weird but I liked it. I start to remember somethings that me and Evan have done together. I feel like I know him. I don't remember most things but things are coming back I can feel it. I looked back over at him and saw him open his car door. I quickly ran back to the living room and sat on the couch as if nothing happened when I heard the door open and Evan walked in 

"you don't look to well" I said looking at his watered eyes, trying to keep it a secret

"im fine. I know its okay 7:30 but I think im gonna lay down on my b-bed" he mumbled back

"you don't wanna watch a movie with me till 9:30 or something?" I questioned 

"oh uh, sure I guess its thee same thing" he said as he took a seat on the opposite end of the couch 

"I was thinking we could watch Deadpool what do ya think?" I asked 

"yeah sure ill go make some popcorn I guess" he said getting off the couch to make some popcorn

      Time flew by and me and Evan were laughing our heads off. At this point he moved even closer to me and we were sharing a blanket. A really slow romanticish scene came on and I felt his hand intertwine with mine and it made my cheeks go red for some strange reason but I quickly flinched my hands back is if I were to scratch the back of my neck. 

Evans POV

      I went to go intertwine my hands with Jonathan's when he took them away to scratch the back of his neck. My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and I moved over a little bit

"Its getting pretty late I should go to bed now" said Jonathan getting off the couch

"o-oh y-yeah me too, see you tomorrow" I replied getting off the couch as well. As I got up my phone buzzed, I had a text message from Craig

"who's that?" he questioned

"oh its Craig" I responded "you probably wont remember him"

"I swear I heard the name before but don't really ring a bell"

"thought so" I looked disappointed at my phone screen

~over text~

Craig: hey man, just wanted to check on you and delirious

Evan: oh... about that...

Craig: whats wrong?

Evan: Its a long story but he had amnesia... 

Craig: really?! what happened??

Evan: like I said, its a long story ill explain later

Craig: okay, well I gotta go so ill talk to you later okay?

Evan: as do I, see ya Craig

~end of text~

By the time I was finished texting Craig Jonathan was already upstairs. I was walking up to my bedroom when I stopped by Jonathan's room. I looked through the little crack in his door and he was sitting on his bed with his knees tucked up to his chest. He was staring at his wall when a tear slipped down his face. I felt horrible and I was missing my lover more than anything. I want him back. I looked at my finger and saw I still had my ring that Jonathan 'proposed' to me with. It was so beautiful. I walked back over to my room and went to lay down in my bed not even bothering to go under my covers. My lights were turned off anyway so I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes to fall asleep. Something in my stomach was telling me something. It didn't fell like a bad thing... It was more of a good thing actually. I wonder what was going to happen... 

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