Chapter 7

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Evans POV

       "These pancakes look so good!" I said flipping the ones I had in the pan

      It's 10:36 and I was finished making all pancakes. I called Jonny from the top of the stairs to come down and eat. I waited approximately 15 after I called for Jonny to come down. I got a little worried so I decided to go upstairs and get him.

      "Hey Jonny?" I called from outside his door "you in there?" No answer.

      "Okay well I'm coming in... Here I come" I walked in the door to see Jonny just lying there asleep on his stomach. Aww he looks to cute when he sleeps...

      "Jonny, Jonny wake up I make breakfast and everything!" I said pushing and shoving his body

      "Jonny? Jonny, wake up this is not like you... Jonny!" I said a little louder. I decided to move him into his back so I did.

      "Jonny I-- Jonny? Jonny! What happened oh my god where's my phone I need an ambulance now!" I yelled as I ran out of the room, grabbed my phone and dialled 911

      "Hello, 911 what is your emergency?" Said the lady behind the phone

     "Yes? Yes! Hi my best friend, h-his face I-is pure white and he won't w-wake up! He is not breathing send him please now!" I yelled in to the phone heading back into Jonathan's room

      "Sir I need you to calm down, please" she said calmly "now please tell me your name and the location your at"

     "Okay, my name is Evan Fong and I am at 753 Molly Rd, please send help quick!" I started to cry

     "Help is on the way sir in the next 6 minutes" she said and hung up 

      I was so scared and shaky I couldn't stand so I immediately sat next to where Jonathan was sleeping and just started talking to him which seemed like forever 

      "Jonny, Jonny please listen to me... I-I have to words, I miss you. P-please don't die on me Jonathan Daniel... I-I- I can't live without you in my life please wake up... I-I love y-you..." I said bawling into his shoulder and that's when the ambulance came dashing upstairs

      "Hello Evan?" Said the first person who came upstairs

      "Yes, yes that's me!" I screamed

      "Sir I'm going to have to ask you kindly to go outside with my parent at the truck" he said politely

      "OK fine but please don't let anything bad happen to Jonathan! Be careful" I said then heading outside

      "Are you Evan? Said the girl in the truck

      "Yes, I'm Evan" I said looking down hiding my tears

      "Hey it's gonna be okay I promise, we will take great care of him. If you open the doors in the back you can go to the far back to be with him just leave the doors open so my partners can lift him in. They will we here any second" she said pointing to the back of truck

    "Okay thank you ma'am" I said and heading to the back. I saw they were coming out the door so I rushed to the back of the truck...

~At the hospital~

      I was sitting in the waiting room just waiting for someone to come and tell me he was gonna be okay. I couldn't get my mind if him, I just couldn't stop thinking of anything bad happened. I can't live without him. He is a big part in my life, I-I can't lose him now... Not today. I could feel extremely depressed and my anxiety levels were going very high. I started to cry but I wasn't alone because there were other people in the waiting area that were also crying from things that are happening with their family or friends I'm assuming. I at least waited for about half an hour until a boy around 14 years old came up to me and said "Are you Vanoss Gaming! I love your videos can I get a autograph?" He said very excited

"Oh uh hi! Yeah yeah sure got some paper?" I said hiding my tears

"Yeah I got some right here!" He said. I signed my name on the piece of paper he gave to me he said thank you and then he left at least I had a little bit of excitement today I started crying again because of what happened didn't to Jonny I really miss him and I want him back I can't stand not being with him and now knowing if he is okay or not. I honestly sat there for about another hour until the doctor came out and was telling me, well was about to tell me what is wrong with Jonny. He said

"Evan Fong?" He called out

"Yup I'm here! Is Jonathan okay? Will he be fine? What happened?" I kept throwing questions in his face

"Sir please calm down there are other patients in here as well. But yes come into the other room with me where will answer your questions" he said leading me to the room

He lead me to the room and I sat down. I asked the questions again and he started to answer them one by one.

"Yes, Jonathan will be okay but he is not doing so well. He had a pretty bad heart attack. We are not quite sure what it was caused by but he is in the room right now. Once he wakes up we will definitely let you know when he wakes up because you too seem very close, I'm sure his once request is to see you okay? So, you ether have the chance to go home and rest or stay in the waiting room. Your choice" he finished

"A heart attack? Wow... I wasn't expecting that... I really wanna see him and u respect that I have to wait so um... Guess I'm gonna go and wait in the waiting room. I want be as close as I can to him..." I responded back trowing my hands over my shoulder

"If that's what yo wish to do then that what you wish to do. Hey, I've seem that you have been through a lot recently... Here, take this $10 and go get yourself some food in the hospital cafeteria" he said handing me $10

"Wow... Thank you so much" I smiled "this means a lot I have not eaten all day. Thank you once again" I said standing up

"Don't mention it" he also stood up "I hope you feel better as well as your friend

I smiled and walked out of the room. I took the elevator downstairs to the Tim Hortons. I got an extra large double double coffee and two donuts when I'm stressed I drink a lot of coffee and I can't help myself I really miss Jonathan and he is the only thing I want to see right now I think I'll save a donut for him. Not the hard part. Waiting and seeing Jonathan the way he is...

Ohh! What's gonna happen? Tell me what ya think and stay tuned... >:) -Salena

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