Chapter 3

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~the day Evan leaves to see Jonathan~

Evan POV

I guess the day is here. Finally after all these years of laughs a giggles, after memories and more to make, I'm finally seeing my best friend, the one I love... And I'm scared. I don't think I've ever been this scared before. It's just, it's my first time ever seeing him and he doesn't even know about it. What if he hates me? What if he denies my visit? Ugh I just gotta put all of that behind me. Today is finally the day. My plane is booked for 4:30 in the afternoon and it's 12:00 now. I have all my stuff I needed and sat down on my front door steps. I took about an hour of just thinking about everything that was going on until I finally decided to get in my car and drive to the airport. The airport was only 1 hour away so I basically had a lot of time left... Here we go...

Jonathan POV

Another boring day to go with my boring life. I'm gonna go on a walk for a while I really need to get my mind of things.

~time skip to the plane~

Evans POV

I on the plane now. The lady came by and gave me some peanuts and a glass of wine. I'm flying first class. I took out my IPhone, put in my earphones and started listening to Jonathan's theme song to help sooth my nerves. I just kept thinking and thinking and laying out how meeting Jonny would go. I wonder how North Carolina looks. I don't even know where he lives! Well I do know what colour his house is and his car so it shouldn't be that hard to find him.

Jonathan POV

I was walking down the side walk when I came across a tiny path. I could tell nobody ever comes here because nobody ever comes down this path on the sidewalk so I decided to walk inside you know, just check it out a little bit.
Oh my goodness, I couldn't Believe my eyes! It's... It's beautiful! It was old small shed and the light shined through the old wood so beautiful. The shed was so clean and outside the shed were layers and layers of blue and red roses as if you could almost swim in them! It was gorgeous! If only Evan was here with me... Things would just be... Better with him here...

Evans POV

~time skip~

      "Hello sir? Wake up please the plane has landed sir" said the flight attendant waking me up

     "Oh sorry thanks you" I said while getting my stuff reading and departed the plane

      It's here... The moment is finally here! The actual moment! I'm so scared I'm shacking! I got out of the plane and called a cap to the nearest pizza place to grab some pizza to surprise him with. The cab drove me there, payed him and went inside. I ordered a steak and cheese pizza because why not? I went back outside and say a car rental down the street so I went there and rented a car. Now to find the house

Jonathan's POV

      Well I guess it's time I should start heading back it's getting pretty dark.
It took me 30 min to get back home it's about 9:00 now and I'm about 7 min away from my house. I CANNOT wait to jump in my bed and go to sleep. If only Evan was here... I started to tear up then help them back. It's been a long day...

Evans POV

      I was driving and it's gotten pretty dark. I was looking for a light brown bricked house with a blue Toyota car in the drive way because that was Jonny's. I was searching and searching for almost half an hour until I think I may have found the house. I parked my Rented car on the opposite side of what I thought was Jonathan's house and sat there for a couple minutes just thinking ,could this really be Jonathan's house? I looked down at my phone to see 6 missed texts from Jonny

Jonathan: hey buddy

Jonathan: hello? You there?

Jonathan: I'm guessing your recording a game??

Jonathan: well I'll leave you to then I guess :(

Jonathan: get back to me asap plzz :)

Jonathan: I miss you... :(

     That made me smile to hard my cheek bones started to hurt. I locked my phone and was about to get out of he car when I man started walking up the side walk and sat on the front door step. I had to be him! He had a mask on and a blue hoodie! Could this actually be him?! He started talking to himself I rolled down my winder to listen what he was saying. I can't believe it's him...

Hey guys another chapter! Wonder what's gonna happen in the next one... ;) lemme know what you guys think! -Salena

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