Chapter 15 - coffee date

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Evans POV

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was running but at the time I didn't care. I needed to get away, everything... My life, my head, my heart... How? Why? Why me? Is this really true? I'm a losing my mind? He loves me, I love him... Right?

"AHHH!" I yelled jumping up from the couch

"Evan! Babe! Are you okay?" I heard Jonathan yell running out the bathroom

"Yeah yeah...  Just a bad dream I guess"   I said resting my arms on my thighs and my head on my hands

"Aww sorry about that" he said sitting beside me hugging me. He leaned in for a kiss but I slowly stepped back

"Are you okay Evan?" He said releasing me from the hug

"Y-yeah I'm okay" I said looking away from him "it's just... Never mind"

"Come on Evan what is?"

"It's nothing"

"Come on Evan I know somethings wrong... Do you not trust me?" He said starting to tear up

"No Jonny! I do trust you I really do I just tired and my head is going places I sorry..." I said hugging him "I really am"

"I sorry too I didn't mean to make you mad"

"It's okay, do you wanna maybe go get some coff--" I got cut off by Jonathan's phone buzzing "who is that?" I questions

"Ohh uh it's just a friend I met at the coffee shop yesterday" he said checking his phone "she knocked my coffee out of my hand and bought me a new one, we've been just talking since I guess"

"Oh... Okay well what does she want?"

"She wants me to meet her at the coffee shop again to have some coffee"

"Oh uh well you can go see her if you want I'll be here"

"No I want you to come with me"

"Are you sure? I'll just waist your time" I rubbed the back of my neck

"No you won't! I'm not leaving you alone I care for you too much" he Dias taking my hand

"Well okay I guess one drink won't hurt" I said getting my stuff ready

Jonathan's POV

~over text~

Jonathan: yeah sure! I'll be there in 15 minutes and can my friend come along? Aka my roommate?

Sammy: oh him? Yeah of course. What's his name

Jonathan: his name is Evan.

Sammy: oh cool, see yo there John! Is it cool if I call you that? ;)

Jonathan: yeah sure :) see you there! Bye

~end of text~

"Hey Evan ready to go?" I called out to the bottom of the stairs

"Yup I'm ready" he said coming down the stairs

"Cool, let's go" I said closing the door as we walk out "hey Evan?" I questioned

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