Chapter 2

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Evans POV

      What do I do what do I do?? Jonathan's birthday is in a week and I have no idea what do to. I wanna buy him a gift and I've been up all night trying to think of the perfect gift because he is my best friend I HAVE to get his something... God I hate not ever being with him. I've never seen him before and it's really killin-- wait... That's it! I'll suprise visit him! I can buy the plane tickets today and get my stuff packed and see him in the next day or 2! But... What if he hasn't shown me his face for a reason? What if our friendship was a lie? what if all this time he was just pretending to be my friend and our friendship was just a big lie? But I have to. I have to take the risk and see my best friend, I have to. I wanna see his face, I want to eat a whole box of pizza with him and watch horror movies all night, I wanna play video games with him and go to the park, I wanna hold him... play with his hair... tell him how much I love him and that everything is gonna be alright... But he probably doesn't feel the way I do, he probably isn't... Ugh. I miss you Jonathan. I'll be there in 3 days...

Jonathan's POV

That was an amazing sleep! I had the best dream that me and Vanoss were real like assassins on an adventure and killing a bunch of noobs haha! If only I really was with Vanoss was really with me. God I miss I'm more that anything I really want to meet him for the first time! But knowing that's probably not gonna happen I'll just settle with some Gmod.

I logged onto my computer seeing that Vanoss, Lui, Wildcat and Nogla were paying a Co-op scary map so I decided to join in and scare them

~while playing Gmod with the guys~

Lui: Man I don't wanna go down this hall way I just know there is a jump scare behind here

Wildcat: oh man up you big baby... Vanoss is gonna go through!

Vanoss: hey! That's not fair! I'm the chopped liver now?? Fine I'll go buy I'm doing this for the fate of the future haha! *walks down Gmod scary map hallway*

Delirious: Boo! Hahahahahaha!!

Vanoss: AHHHHH!! Delirious?! Why?! You scare the living hell out of me!

Lui, wildcat, Nogla: *starts laughing there head of*

Delirious: haha I got you so good! Aha so I'm guessing this is just a fun day? No recording?

Nogla: pretty much yup

Vanoss: where were you Jonny?

Wildcat: Jonny? That's a new one

Vanoss: oh that's just something I call him over text

My cheeks start to turn really red

Delirious: yeah it's nothing and I just slept in a bunch

Wildcat: H2OVanoss, H2OVanoss!

Nogla: stop it ya big shit!

Wildcat: haha okay okay I've had my fun

Vanoss: oh um.. Yeah that's cool. Look um, something came up just know o uhh.. Gotta go I'll talk to you guys later *Logs of*

Lui: wow he logged off faster that I could say goodbye. Must be important

Wildcat: yah whatever lets continue now that Delirious is in the game

~ silence ~

Nogla: Delirious? Hello?

Wildcat: huh. He must of left to see his boyfriend hahaha!

Lui: hey come on dude that's not funny

Nogla: ya not cool man

Wildcat: hey I'm aloud to have some fun to you know!

Lui: let's just continue playing and forget about all this agreed?

Wildcat: yeah yeah let's keep playing

Evan POV

God if I stayed on there for another 2 minutes I would've started crying! Why do my friends have to be suck dicks. Well it's only 2 days till I see Jonny, I better start packing and stuff to just get ready. This is my main focus at the moment.

~over text~

Jonathan: hey buddy

Evan: oh hey Jonny, I thought you were paying Gmod with the guys?

Jonathan: after you left I felt really bad. I couldn't continue playing knowing that my best friend was not they're with me ;)

Evan: aww thanks man I really appreciate it :)

Jonathan: do what are you gonna do know?

Evan: idk I'm probably gonna buy some pizza and watch some tv

Jonathan: yeah imma go get some pizza and do something productive xD

Evan: haha yeah. So I guess I'll talk to later Jonny?

Jonathan: yup ;) bye loser "love you" man XD

Evan: "love you" too dude xP

2 days away... Only 2 days away... Then I can finally meet him. My best friend, my buddy, my pal, my love...

Hey guys! Just a qui authors note... I really hope you are enjoying the book so far ;) imma try and upload everyday so stay tuned and lemme know what to think bye! -Salena

Deliriously In Love, H2OVanoss fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora